Chapter 27

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Lexi's POV

I pull up to the school the next day. I see my friends and walk over to them. We talk as we walk into school. We're talking about our plans for Thanksgiving break. Every year they come to my house and we pitch a tent in the backyard. We start a fire and drink, roast marshmallows, and sing. It's really fun especially if you haven't heard us sing while drunk.

We are laughing about the pictures that we got from last years camp out when the bell rings for first block.

I go to my first block. Science. We got to launch model rockets.

I then go to English since we are finished the book Jake and I have to write the book report. Fun (note the sarcasm).

I go straight to the cafeteria for lunch. My friends and I sit around laughing, talking, and throwing stuff at each other. I then go dress out for gym. Today we are playing dodgeball.

10 minutes into the game it's only me and Jake. He throws a few balls and I dodge them. I throw a few at him. He dodges one but gets hit by the other. I won. I change and walk to Spanish.

We have a test today which I ace because I'm fluent in many languages. I then go home.


I'm doing my homework when the doorbell rings. I get up and answer the door. I see Jake standing there in his racing clothes and I know that there isn't a race today.

"What?" I ask.

"I need you to watch Liam tonight." He says.


"I have to take care off something at work."

"Uhh a. I don't believe you but I'll watch him."


With that he drives away leaving Liam standing on the porch.

"Come in. You can stay in Drew's room he has a bunk that is empty."

I go to my room and get ready for bed. I go and check on the boys. they are fast asleep.

I go back to my room and go to bed.


I wake up the next morning and make breakfast and get ready. I wake the boys up and grab my phone and backpack from my room. When I get downstairs they are ready to.


School was horrible. The football team almost beat me up for not agreeing to do their homework but a teacher walked down the hall right as they were about to punch me. I also didn't see Jake anywhere.

I am now picking up Drew and Liam. I call Mrs. Willows to watch them while I'm out with my gang at the gym.

She is at our house when we get there. I run upstairs to put my gym clothes.

I come downstairs wearing black short gym shorts and a lime green sports bra. I put my hair in a ponytail and put on a sweat jacket which I leave unzipped. I grab my gym bag and I'm about to walk out the door when the doorbell rings.

Jake is standing there bruised.

"I knew that is wasn't just a problem at work. Liam your brother's here."

"Thanks and nice body."

"Shut up"

They leave so I can go to the gym.


I spend 3 hours at the gym practicing my punches and kicks. I then get Subway.

When I get back to the house Drew is getting ready for bed and Mrs. Willows is watching a cooking show.

I thank her and she leaves. I get ready for bed.


Jake's POV

I'm glad Lexi didn't ask many questions about watching Liam. There was a problem with another gang that I had to take care of. It ended in a fight.

I just hope that they don't come to my house I don't want Lexi too see that.

I go to sleep.


I wake upon Friday and go to school. It sucks ass.

During math I sleep. During history I'm behind the school smoking with my friends. For lunch we go get Burger King.During study hall I vandalize the desk. Finally I go to engineering. I work on the old car that is sitting around until the bell rings.

I go home and play GTA until 10 o'clock at night. Then I go to sleep.

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