Chapter 14

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Jake's POV

I might kill myself if I have to watch those kids again. They drove me insane. They wouldn't leave me the fuck alone. It was always 'Jake come paint with me.' , 'Jake come play cars with me.'. It drove me crazy.  To make things better we're moving to the new house tomorrow. Fuck my life.

I'm now doing homework. Hey, if I want to get out of that prison then I need to do my homework. I really can't wait to be out of school.

I finish my homework and then pack the last few things. I then go to bed.


"Jake get your fat, lazy ass out of bed now!" Liam Yells at me.

"Coming!" I shout back.

I get dressed and go downstairs.

"Can I go to Drew's house after school? Can I , can I?"

"Yes because unpacking will be easier without you bugging me."

I drop him off at school and head to mine.


I see Lexi at her locker.

"Can Liam go to your house after school?" I ask.

"Sure" she says.


Lexi's POV

My first class went fine. I'm now sitting in English waiting for class to start.

"Ok class today you'll be starting a project with your partner that I assign. Your project has 3 parts. Part one is to write a review of a book of your choice. The second part is too write a review of a movie and then make an alternate ending. The third part is to write about what you learned about your partner during this project. The first is due before fall break. The second winter break. And the third before spring brake. You have about a month for each part. Here are your partners." said the teacher.

Sharjah _______ Blake

Ian ________ Joan

Derrick ______ George

Fred ___________ Ron

Ginny __________ Hermione

Alexis __________ Jake

And so on.

Great I thought the bell rang and I hurried to lunch.


I'm about to leave school when Jake comes up do me.

"Want to work on the project tomorrow?" Jake asks.

"Sure" I say "I'll get Liam when I get Drew. Just get him by 5:30. I have to work tonight."

With that I leave.


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