Chapter 11

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Lexi's POV

I wake up at 10:30 and walk downstairs to get breakfast. I'm only wearing spandex and a tank top so the boys are staring at me. Their jaws drop when I eat 8 pancakes and 3 sausages.

After eating I go upstairs and get dressed. I wear a pair of jeans and a tank top with a pair of socks. I throw a sweatshirt on over my tank top so people (Liam) don't stared at.

I put on my nerd glasses and go downstairs to watch 'Outrageous Acts of Science'. I watch half of one episode before I hear the door bell ring.

Good thing I'm wearing my glasses.


Jake's POV

I got away from the cops last night when I got home my parents were just going to bed. I snuck into my room and went to sleep.

I woke up at 11 o'clock and got ready to pick up my brother.

I get to his friend's house at 12. I ring the doorbell. Alexis the nerd answers the door.

"Hi I'm here to get my brother."I say.

"He's about to eat his lunch right now why don't you join them. I'll put another pizza in." she says.


Lexi's POV

What the heck! I just invited Jake Hawk to have lunch with us.

"Sure" he says.

I let him in and lead him to the kitchen.

I put our pizzas in the oven.

"Where is Mom?" Drew asks me.

"She has to work at the college today. She'll be back tonight. I'm going to a friend's house so you'll be staying with Mrs. Willows." I say.

"What about your Dad?" Liam asks.

"He's in the military. He's a Marine. Right now he's stationed in Iraq." I say.

The oven beeps and I pull the pizzas out and cut them.

" Did Liam cause trouble?" Jake asked me.

"I don't know I wasn't home last night." I say.

I finish my pizza and excuse myself. I grab my overnight bag and put on my vans. I also put on my crop top that says smile and put my other clothes in the bag along with my hat. I'm still wearing my sweatshirt. I take off my glasses.

"Drew time to go." I say as I walk downstairs. I grab my skateboard and keys.

"What happened to your glasses and do you skate?" Jake says.

"I'm wearing contacts and no this is my friends board." I lie.

We all grab our stuff and head outside. I open up the garage door.

"Whose bike" asked Jake

"My dad's." I lie again

I get in my truck with Drew and follow Jake out of the driveway

separate ways.

I drop Drew off before going to Danny's house.


Semper Fi

That means always faithful in Latin. It is the Motto of the United States Marine Corps.

The picture is of spandex shorts

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