Chapter 8

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Jake's POV

After the run in with the Black Widows my gang and I went to Our houses to get ready.

Jake's gang members

Brandon: 17 : brown hair and blue eyes

Mason: 18 : blonde hair and blue eyes

Justin : 18 : brown hair and green eyes

Rick : 16 : blonde hair and green eyes

Chris : 18 : black hair and blue eyes

Ian : 17 : black hair and green eyes

Evan : 16 : dirty blonde hair and green eyes

Then me dirty blonde hair and blue eyes. We all have eight packs.

For the race we are all wearing black jeans ,a black t- shirt ,a pair of red vans and a black hat with a red brim with our gang sign on it.

We are all nervous about this race. The Black Widows are some of the best racers to have competed.

"Hurry up" I shout.

My brother is taking forever to get ready. He is staying with one of his friends tonight.

"Coming!" he shouts back.

He runs out side and gets on my bike. It is a red Harley Davidson. We leave. I drop him at his friends house. The mom opens the door.

" Hi I'm Mrs. Dylans. You must be Liam." she says to my little brother."And you are?" she asks me.

"Jake" I say. "Nice to meet you but I have to go."

"Bye" I hear as I drive off. Dylans that sounds familiar.

I go to the where house and get my Corvette and go to the race.

I get to the race and park in my usual spot and wait for the race to start.

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