Chapter 45

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Lexi's POV

I pull up and park next to my gang. A girl walks up to me. "Hi I'm Roxy. I'm Jason's sister and the leader of the Fire-stars. My brother is in Jake's gang the Dark-hawks." she says.

"Lexi, leader of the Black-Widows." I say.

"I jut turned 17."

"I've been 18."

"Cool, I gotta go my brother's just got here."


We walk over to the Dark-hawks.

I get Jake's attention and we head over to a hanger. "Dark-hawks?" I say.

"It's better than Fire-stars. That sounds like the name of a cheer team."

"Anyway the race schedule we made paired people randomly. We got paired to race last as a finally. I say that's when we tell or maybe show."

"Sounds good."

We walk back to the gangs they didn't even notice us leave. Roxy races her brother first. There are a total of 25 pairings. You race at least twice. It takes about an hour to get through them all. After that we go to one of the hangers and party. We don't have alcohol because you still have to drive home.

I raced Jason. I beat him by a car length. He is very mad but he knew better than to get his hopes up. It was still fun to beat him. I had to try a little this time.

My phone goes off. My mom texted me to tell me I have to watch some girl named Sarah tomorrow. I ask who she is. She is apparently the daughter of a buddy of dad. Her mom had to fly to New York.

I hear someone call mine and Jake's names. I head to my car. We pull up to the start.





We take off flying. We are neck and neck. I speed up a little the super charger is making a difference. I keep speeding up and beat Jake by half. We turn around and drive back to the start. Jake and I get out. I give Jake a hug and he kisses me. Everyone is shocked. "Let's party!" I shout and every one goes into the hanger.

At 11:45 we start sending people home. Jake, Roxy, and I stay to clean up. Roxy is an awesome person. She is so funny. At 12:15 we head home.


I wake up the next morning at 11:15 being shook violently. "What the fudge!" I shout.

"Sarah's here." Drew says.

"Go entertain her while I get ready."

"Can't, I have to leave for all star tryouts."

"Tell her I'll be down soon."

I get up and run o brush through my hair. I slept in black running shorts and a black sports bra. I look at my outfit and decide to change. I put on black cutoffs and a 3/4 sleeve off the shoulder blue half top over my sports bra. Almost all my tattoos can be seen.

I walk downstairs to meet her. In the kitchen I see a girl in a black long sleeve shirt with a pink flower in the center and a zebra print tutu with pink frilly trim and a pink bow and black leggings underneath with white converse that have pink laces and trim sitting at the bar.

She cant see all of my tats with me facing her but when i turn to get a soda out off the fridge I can feel her staring at me. "Is their something on me?" I ask.

"My parents said a nice girl would be watching me not some gangster covered in tattoos."she says.

"I am nice but if keep acting like that you'll meet a violent gang leader."

She immediately shuts up. I text Jake what she said then ask him to come over. He comes over in his gang clothes and walks right into the kitchen.

"Is he a gang leader?" she asks.

"Yes and my boyfriend."

"My parents will not be happy if they find out I spent the day with a bunch of gangs."

"That's why you aren't. It is just you, me, and him. Now go into the living room and I will put a movie on."

I go into the living room and put on Cadet Kelly for her. I then go into the kitchen, grab a box of pizza and 2 beers out of the fridge because we are gonna need them. "If you need anything come ask I'll be on the third floor but knock first." I say.

"Don't want to walk in on you two."

"No I don't think your parents want you to see Die Hard."

I hand Jake a beer when he stands up. Sarah sees. "You know that's illegal." she says.

"Yeah so is street racing but we do it any way." Jake says and I high-five him.

We go upstairs to watch Die Hard and eat cold pizza and drink beer. Die Hard is 2 hours and 14 minutes long. Cadet Kelly is an hour and 41 minutes long. So an hour and 41 minutes latter We hear a knock om the door to my movie room. We pause the movie."Come in." I say.

Sarah comes in and sits on the floor next to us. I take a sip of my beer. "The movie is over and I am bored." she says.

"Give us 30 minutes." I say.

She leaves to watch something on TV. The movie ends thirty three minutes later. We walk downstairs and sit down beside her on the couch. "What do you want to do?" I ask her.

"I don't know."

"Let's play Just Dance." I say.

"I can't dance." Sarah says.

"Let me show you how. Part of being in a gang is street dancing. But only if you want to dance because some gangs are ....."

We go upstairs to my dance studio. It has wood floor but I have cheer mats in the closet if we need something soft. It has white walls but one of them is covered in mirrors and has a ballet bar for some reason. I have an iPod dock connected to speakers all around the room. "Wow!" Sarah says.

"How come I have never been in here?" Jake asks.

"I don't know and I also have a gym." I say.

"Who is your favorite artist?" I ask Sarah.

"I don't have one."

"Ok so to stay appropriate lets use Shake It Off."

I put it on and we start creating a dance. 45 minutes latter we have a perfectly choreographed song. "I want you to show me a dance." she says and by you she meant me and Jake.

"we are in different gangs we don't dance together."I say.

"You can make some thing up."

30 minutes latter we show her our dance to Timber. Right as we finish we hear the door bell ring. I put on a USMC sweat-shirt and run downstairs to pen the door. It is two people I don't recognize."We are here for Sarah." They say.

I shout upstairs for Sarah. She comes running downstairs. "Mommy she taught me to dance." she says.

"Cool. Thanks for watching her." the mom says as she hands me $75.

They leave and I go upstairs to watch TV. Jake and I are so tired we fall asleep on the couch or in Jake's case the floor.

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