Chapter 26

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Ahlam's POV

Dropping my laptop case and purse, I speed walk to the island to pull her in for a hug.

Stroking her hair back, "tell me what happened?"

"I-I, my parents want me to marry an old, bald man!" she wails, not bothered by the tears and probably snot falling onto my shoulder.

"What? What do you mean?" I am confused by her confession.

"Khalid told my parents he found a husband for me? Why? I mean I thought he loved me! How could he do this to me?"

Knowing I wont comprehend what she's talking about, I grab a tissue box and move over to the fridge to get bottled water for her.

"Here. take deep breaths and calm down. We'll talk about it later. Want pizza?" I take my phone out to place an order.

"Sure. I might as well gain more weight and be unattractive. Oh! That's a great idea, I will be so unattractive, the old bag won't have any option to decline the marriage proposal." she exclaims.

I couldn't help but burst into laughter at her thoughts. She's truly something else.

"Okay then, lots of extra cheese, and a side of sweet potato fries on the side. Extra!" I yell before she makes a comment.

Looking up at me, with a red nose and puffy cheeks, she smiles for the first time since I walked in.

"Maybe you'll be my sister-wife. Oh the hell we'll give him!" she chuckles.

"Oh no! Never! Besides he's probably a model or an actor. Or maybe a-"

"What! A belly dancer?" she laughs loud at her own joke.

"You know damn well we'll both be out there dancing with him then."

"I love you, you're a true friend Ahlam. I don't know what I would do without you." She says somberly, looking at me.

Stopping in my tracks, I look at her. She's never expressed her feelings before.

"That's because I'm a lovable person. It's going to be okay. If push comes to shove, we'll move to another country so you won't have to marry this old bag. How about Australia?" I ask bringing her in for another hug.

"Too hot. Too many scorpions. Too much water. Too much cactus. Too-"

"Okay, I get it. Too much of everything. We still have time to decide."

"Yeah. Thanks babe." Khay replied before moving to the trash can to dump her balled tissues and and starting a pot of tea.

"I'm going to change and get ready for our movie and fattening food." I twitch my brows to have a tea bag thrown at me.

Grabbing my laptop case and purse, I walk up the stairs to my temporary bedroom. With the intent of shower, making wudu, and comfy clothes. I complete my tasks in that order.

"Oh, you should add ginger and mint to the tea, though I prefer to have coffee." I step into the kitching, wishing I could.

"No! We've been fasting all day. We need tea. I got the fruits, if you want to get the salad and dates?" she asks

"Of course" I replied.

Soon enough, our pizza and deserts are here. The table is all set, ready for iftar.

Looking at the table, I reminisce about my Ramadans in London. Where the entire table was filled with all sorts of food, fruits, and drinks. Never liking how much was wasted daily. Ramadan is not all about food at the end of a long day of fasting. Rather, an intimate family/friends setting, being grateful for everything little thing Allah gives you.

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