Chapter 8~ Teas and Barbie?

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***Please PRAY Before You Read This.***

Ahlam's POV

I knew I shouldn't have stayed up all night watching movies with Khay.

Now I have to suffer the consequences of that decision... being sleepy and tired. Especially when I have to go in for an interview at 8 in the morning.

I think I can even see the dark circles forming under my eyes.

"Will you hurry up? You're gonna be late." Khay yells from downstairs.

I cringe at the volume of her voice.

Putting an abaya on quickly, I run down the hall to see her at the bottom of the stairs with a frown on her face.

"Can you please stop shouting? There are people still sleeping." I whisper-yell.

"Oh yeah. No wonder the house is too quiet and peaceful." She mumbles.

Shaking my head at her, I go back to continue to do my things... trying to get rid of the huge panda under my eyes.

"Just put some concealer on. No one will know what is under there." Khay says from the doorway.

"Yeah, but I will know. Besides this is all your fault." I retort.

"Mm. Here, let me try." She says as she steps into the room and goes for the make-up bag.

"Khay, you know I don't wear make-up." I say looking at her wearily as she puts her hands towards my face.

"Yes. I do know that. But what are you gonna do about the giant black orbs hanging under your eyes?" she asks scowling.

Choosing to ignore her comment, I proceed to let her do what she wants with my face.

"Finally! Okay all done. Just make sure to come down for breakfast after you get dressed." Khay orders.

I'm too nervous to think about food right now. But I just nod my head and wait till she leaves.

Putting on long red maxi skirt with long sleeved white shirt. And I top it off with a black blazer matching it with my favorite black wedges. And of course with a red hijab. Looking at myself one last times in the full length mirror, I make my way downstairs to the kitchen for a cup of tea and find Saf and Khay talking.

Greeting them, I go to sit on one of the island tools.

I don't even notice when Khay puts a cup of coffee in front of me.

I give her a confused look. She knows I don't drink coffee.

"I know how nervous you are, so I just thought you might need some caffeine. To get you all hyped up and crazy like it usually makes you." She says shrugging.

Sometimes I wonder if she ever thinks about the thinks she says.

"Why say something if you're gonna think about it?" she asks.

Did I say that out loud?

"Yes." Saf and Khay say at the same time.

Shaking my head at them with a smile laced on my lips, I look at the cup of coffee with distaste pushing it back.

I decide to get up and make myself a cup of tea. Just watching the water boil calms my nervous a little.

"Assallamualikum ladies." Khalid greets coming into the kitchen with Aymen snuggled to his chest.

We all greet back in unison.

Noticing that Aymen is waking up, I open my arms for him.

Turning around, I see Khay putting something in my tea. Probably the tea bags.

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