Chapter 24

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Gabriel's POV

What. The. Actual. Inferno!

What's she doing here? How and when?

Most importantly why haven't I heard of a new PA?! Not once have I gotten an email of a new assistant working for Rafael.

I was under the assumption that Donna was pulling the weights of a personal assistant to the both of us.

I bet it was Rafael that hired her without letting me know.

What a prick?

Walking around the office, I look around noting that nothing's changed since Nonno retired.

Appreciating the view, the bigger space, and definitely the small en suite attached to the office, I decide to gloat.

Face Timing Rafael, I rub it in his face. He should have taken over as CEO. As he starts to ask questions, I hang up on him.

Grabbing the documents on the desk, I look through them briefly. Noting that most of the time sensitive ones have already been taken care of.

Not even ten minutes of being in my new office, I look up startled at the force in which my door is banged against the wall.

Zayed comes in with a pissed off look in his eyes. I could immediately tell something was wrong. His entire taut and tense.

Bolting off the desk, I walk towards him. Roaming my eyes over his body to check for any visible injuries and signs of blood, I find none.

Sighing with relief, I bring him to the sofa in the left side of the office.

"Cos ce che non va, amico mio? - What's wrong with you, my friend?" I ask as I grab a bottle of water for him

"My mother. My mother wants me to marry a girl from Dubai. My mother wants me to marry a girl from Dubai" he continues to mumble, ignoring the bottle of water.

"I don't want to marry a girl from Dubai! In fact, i don't ever want to marry. Why can't my mother understand that I don't want to marry someone from Dubai?" he rumbles again with rapid Arabic.

"Calmati. Being rattled isn't going to help you think straight. just calm down for a bit and we'll talk" I say in a soft tone.

I've never seen him this rattled in our friendship.

Whatever happened to the plan Khalid had? did he give up? Did the fat kid reject him? What the hell happened?


Ahlam's POV

walking back to his office with the cup of coffee, I hear the voice of a distressed man.

Not wanting to intrude, I knock lightly on the door and wait for a minute.

Mr. Prickly comes to the door and grabs the coffee from me without saying a word and slams the door in my face.

Unbelievable! What kind of human being does that? How could he just slam the door in my face?

Fisting my hands, I decide to walk away and go back to my desk and get on with the rest of my work.

Remembering that I am fasting as it's the last couple of days of Ramada, I'll leave it at that. For now.

In between, reading documents, responding and sending emails, I completely forgot my prayers. Knowing full well that guilt is about to set in the pit of my stomach and making me anxious about missing it, I hurry over to Rafeal's office to have him sign the needed papers before the end of the day.

"These has to be sent out by end of day today, Rafael. Please don't make me come after you later." I joke as I place the neat folder on his desk.

Chuckling, he grabs the folder and signs it right there and there saying, "I wouldn't want that."

"Good choice. Now, about the charity ball this weekend, they need the response to add you and your family to the VIP list. Also, the restaurant is no longer accepting bookings. We can try again next month." Pulling the papers back in its folder and using his office phone to call for out courier, I let him know of the imminent schedule.

"Alright, my brother should be attending the charity ball. Don't worry about the reservation, I believe my wife is no longer interested in their sea bass according to her texts earlier." looking at his wristwatch, his head whips up to me.

"I know. I'm going to pray as soon as I'm done here. Unless you have anything else, you'd like to add?" Knowing he won't.

"No, I'm good. Thank you, you're the best." He responds with a gentle smile.

"You thank me by letting me off early on Friday?" I ask with a geeky smile.

"You know, I think I'll leave when you do Friday. Since Gabriel's back, we need a break from the office anyways. But please, don't let Donna know about this, you know how jealous she'll be." He chuckles, looking around his glass window as if she can see us.

"As long as we get her coffee and that candles she loves, we'll be good" I reply finally leaving his office to drop the folder on my desk for the courier to pick up.

Taking the elevator down to 3rd floor, I scan my badge on the door to enter the prayer/meditation room. Instantly getting a whiff of fresh linen smell and calm atmosphere, this was by far my favorite area in the building. there is a row of shelves with copies of Quran and other sacred books, about a dozen of prayer mats and beads and finally shoe racks by the door.

Of course, the entire room is divided by curtains that are kind of like a hospital room. You can pull the curtains all the way for privacy and inside it, there are chairs, desks, and lounging sofas with ample amount of space with carpeted floors. all looking over the park and small pond that Khay found on my interview day.

Grabbing a prayer mat off the neatly folded row, I pull the curtain away in the individual prayer rooms and turn the on, so anyone who comes in would know that someone is already in here.

After completing my prayer, athkar, and my five-minute reflection, I decide to leave and head back to work. Grunting lowly, I get up and return he prayer mat in its rightful place. Just as soon as I leave the room, my phone dings with a voicemail message. looking at the phone I notice it is still on DND.

Putting the phone to my ear, I hear that dreadful voice.

"No matter how far you think you can run and hide, I will always find you." With a disgusting sneer, the damn voice chuckles darkly. 

Unable to stand straight, I lean against the wall. How is this even possible? How could he know where I am? Taking deep calming breaths, I decide to make a final decision- Changing my number permanently.

Knowing damn well the only way to have this taken cared is something I am not ready to face at this moment. I don't ever want to face it. I don't want to settle in facing it. I don't even want to think about facing it. Not now, not ever!


Hi guys! I hope you're all safe.

 I want to let you all know that this book is going to be under major editing once I kind of upload all the finished chapter. 

Also, who do you guys think is calling Ahlam? Any guesses? 

Thank you to everyone who replied back to the A/N about your preferences. 

Please vote, comment, and follow.  

Thank you!


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