Chapter 3~ Sleeping Beauty

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Gabriel's POV

Driving like a lunatic to the closest hospital, I park the car in front of the entrance. Getting around the car to her side, I pull her in my arms and carry her into the hospital. With her head hanging off my left arm, I try to call for a doctor. Seeing as it was night time and there weren't many emergencies, I was assisted by a couple of nurses along with a doctor.

Being busy shouting orders at people around me, I hadn't noticed she was taken from my arms and onto a stretcher bed being wheeled into a room. Walking towards her, a nurse pushes me back putting her hand on my chest to stop me.

"I'm sorry Sir, but let us do our job please." She says with a small smile and walks through the double doors.

Running my hand through my hair, I take a seat in one of the chairs in the waiting room. Wondering what would have happened if I hadn't gotten there on time. I still can't get the image of her body lying on the cold concrete floor with blood dripping from her temple. What if he hurt her? What if he did something horrible to her? What if he ra..

I'm pull out of my trance when I heard the doctor talking to me.

"Hi, my name is Dr. Sullivan. I'm glad to inform you that your wife is now recuperating. She's very lucky to have made it with just a concussion. Now she will need as much rest as she can get. We also see that she's not getting enough nourishment and sleep. We advise that she remain here for further observation for overnight." Elaborates Dr. Sullivan.

By the time she was done talking, I was focused on the fact the she thought she's my wife. But hearing the words, 'remain here for further observation for overnight' brought me back to reality.

"Was she assaulted? I mean, did he rape her?" asking the question that has long been bugging me.

I swear if he did anything to her, I will go back there and end his worthless life.

"There was no indication of such in medically but we'll have to wait until she wakes up to know more." She replied.

"How long is she going to have to stay here?" I asked.

"Just overnight. You may see her now and please make sure to fill out the paper work at the reception desk. I will see you soon." Dr. Sullivan says and walks away.

Rubbing my hands together, I walk the short distance to her room. Opening the door like a teenager sneaking out in the middle of the night, I stick my head in to look at her.

There she is, laying on the bed like 'Sleeping Beauty.' The only way to know she's alive is her breathing and her heartbeats on the machine. Walking further into the room, I can now see her face clearly.

Dio Mio, she's beautiful. Especially now that her headscarf is gone, she looks like a character from a fairy tale. Sitting on the opposite chair from her bed, I close my eyes to rest for a minute.

I was awoken by someone yelling and bursting the door open hours later.

When did I fall asleep?

Looking at her again, I see that she's still sleeping. But one thing that has been bugging me was not knowing her name.

"Who are you? Wait, did I get the wrong room? But Wallah the front desk said this was Ahlam's room. Or maybe I'm mistaken" says the unknown woman pacing around the room completely forgetting that I'm here as well.

Feeling that she's not about the stop her ranting, I clear my throat to get her attention. That did it.

"My name is Gabriel and I'm the one who brought her in. Who are you?" I say in a business manner.

"I'm Khaula, her best friend. Why did the nurse  say you're her husband? I'm sure I would have known if Ahlam got married." She says incuriously.

Ah, Ahlam! That's her name. Infatti una bellezza (Indeed, a beauty).

"Honest mistake by the doctors." I replied scratching the back of my neck.

"Hmm, was she um, you know? Was she assaulted?" she asks in a worried tone.

"No. The doctor said she wasn't." I replied, trying not to worry her further.

My phone rings as she was about to say something. Looking down on my phone, I want to do nothing more than to throw it across the room to shatter it to pieces.

Clenching my fists together, I turn off my phone and put it back in my pocket.

"It was nice to meet you, but I gotta get going. Make sure to fill out her paper work." I say trying very hard to control myself at the moment.

Opening the door, I walk past the reception desk and pay for her hospital bill. All the meanwhile, thinking about the sleeping beauty in that room wondering when I'm gonna see her again.

But first things first, I have to get rid of a clingy woman.


Sallam everyone!Please make sure that you pray your Salat before reading.

Put your DEEN first above anything. Allah loves those who always remember him.


Thank you so much for your support.I know that this a short chap, but Inshallah I will do more long chaps next time.Please vote, comment, and enjoy!

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