Chapter 13 ~ Destroyer

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Gabriel's POV

I stare intently at him, knowing that he came here for a reason.

As the conversation progresses, I notice how he tries to keep his anger in check.

Every time Zayed mentions anything about the girls at the mall, his entire body language changes into more aggressive nature.

And then it all seems to make sense as he tells Zayed that hyper girl is his sister.

Hyper girl?

I had no desire to participate in their conversation as I was keeping an eye on Andrea eating his food properly.

Or perhaps they were not discussing hazel beauty.

"Your sister? You mean that annoying little kid?" Zayed asked with a look of confusion.

Throwing my head back, I burst out laughing.

He and Zayed both looked at each other with raised eye brows.

"That's by far the most accurate thing anyone has ever called her." He said his laughter now down to chuckling.

Hearing the buzzing sound of my phone, I look at the screen and my entire mood ruined.

Excusing myself, I call Luke to tell him to come and drop Andrea off at mamas.

I had thought that the dinner was enough to get her off my case.

Reading the text again, I can't help but let out a low growl of frustration.

'Caro, I hope you had enough time to reflect on your behavior the other night over dinner. I would hate to have daddy withdraw the business contract that's due this week,'

Xo- Carissa

She dare threaten me with a mere business deal?

Little does she know it is I who has full control of their company.

Smiling triumphantly, I make my way back to the table taking my seat again.

I caught the las part of their conversation as they seemed to be discussing about their partnership in some new project.

"Gabriel, what do you think about sitting in on one of our business plans for a project in our companies? We would like to get a second opinion on it?" Zayed asked as he nodded his head toward Khalid.

"If I have the time, I would like to. But for now gentleman, I have a stubborn ache that needs itching." I spoke metaphorically as my face turned into one of grimace at the thought of finally handling business with the Capellas.

"Sure. But don't forget about tonight. I want you to experience how the nikkah is done, ISLAMICALLY of course." Zayed says narrowing his eyes at me.

Laughing at his childish way of getting back at me from my dating comment earlier, I give him a pat on the back.

"I wouldn't expect less from you amico. Now, is there a dress code or what?" I ask as I notice how they're both dressed in long colored dresses.

"Don't worry about it; I'll drop by your house later to dress you up." He replies with a smirk and a wink.

Giving him a side way scowl, I proceed to picking up Andrea and make my way towards the front door.

But not before I give him a taste of his own medicine and I finally walk away with a chuckle and a determination on destroying something.

More like destroying someone's little stuck-up attitude and mindset.


Sallam everyone!
I'm apologize for the delayed updates.
but here is a short chapter as a filler for now until I update for real.

I don't really feel like posting anymore questions about any future chapters.

I'll try to update asap once I'm available and have the time to actually sit down and wright.

I don't have to tell the reason for the delayed updates..... EXAMS.

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