Chapter 22 ~ Silence!

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Oh my God!

Blinking rapidly, I clench my eyes shut. Unable to fully comprehend what's happening and  the feeling of pain shooting up my elbow, I take in a deep breath. 

At least I don't break anything and nothing really hurts too bad other than my elbow
"Are you alright?" 

I look up to find the most beautiful blue eyes I have ever seen. 

I can feel my breath hitching like I've ran a 10 mil marathon. Is that even a thing? but those eyes... Are they even real or are they contacts. 

Raising my hand up, I try to feel for the contacts. Only to stop mid way, as I see the look of confusion and slight apprehension on his face. 

What is the matter with me? wanting to touch his contacts.

But also the fact that I was about to touch a complete stranger, it's bad enough I fell on him. Shit!

Scrambling to my feet, I take several steps away from him while making sure my skirt and hijab are in tact. 

"I am so sorry, Sir. It was an accident. I'm not sure how I fell on you. Which I will make sure it never happens again. Although this is the first time, I'll be sure it's the last-"

"It's all good. Are you alright? That was quite a fall you took?" The stranger interrupted. 

Damn. how is it possible for the sound of his voice to be like honey?

Blinking twice, I had to pay attention to what he was saying. 

"Uh, yes. I'm okay. Are you? Of course not, that's a silly question to ask. I really do hope I haven't injured you. I can be quite clumsy and a walking hazardous-"

The clearing of a throat yet again interrupted me again from my rambling. Why he does he keep interrupting me? 

"Yes?" I ask as I finally look at him again. Only to find him studying me with a tilt to his head.

"Hows your head?" He finally asks.

Head? What head? My head? 


"Uh.... I-I uh, I noticed you have a scar under your headscarf?"

Scar, under my hijab?

My hand instantly flies to the side of my head where the old injury was. The blasted injury that left the side of my head scarred. The reason I no longer walk home. The reason I strongly dislike drunk men

But how could he even see it? Doe he have some sort of x-ray vision? perhaps that's why he was starting at me throughout the meeting. I wonder if he's Superman? No! he's clearly human. Just Human. Unless he's Ifrit. 

"Well?" he impatiently asks.

"Um, how could you even see it, sir?"

silence. dead silence. Not even the sound of my breathing can be heard in the boardroom. 

"I've seen it earlier when you were fixing the scarf, Uh when you passed me the documents" 

for some reason, he sounds like he's questioning what he's saying.

"I'm well sir. Thank you for asking." Was the only response I could master. Well not necessarily the only response. 

"Very well."

Blinking twice more I wait for him to make his way out of the room, expecting to be left alone for once, so I can personally wallow in my earlier embarrassment and scold myself for being an absolute klutz. 

looking up, I yet again find he's  still here. standing in the same spot. looking at me, no more like staring at me with his x-ray visions again.

"Is there anything I can get you sir, perhaps where you should be going next? This is a huge building." I was aware I was rambling again. 

Again, silence.

Alright then. I make a move to gather the documents Rafael left on the head of the meeting table.

I was quite exhausted today. More so than any other day seeing as its the first day of Ramadan. 

Working was a great way to forget about the first days, the extreme hunger, thirst, and more importantly the urgent need to take a nap. Especially when I'm so used to snacking in between meals these last couple of days. I guess sitting for more than six hours and running around the enormous building does exhaust me quite fast.


Turning back to him, I find that he's gather the papers on the long table. 

"Yes?" Aren't I full of repeating questions today.

"Yes, I do need some assistance."

Raising an eyebrow, I wait for him to finish telling me what he needs help with. Please, please not the silence again. Anything but the damn silence.

I'm met with silence, again.

"What can I help you with, Sir?" I ask forcibly.

"You can take me to my new office." handing me the papers, he silently gestures towards the door as if to say, "Let's go, you've wasted enough time already"

Never mind the damn silence talk.

"Your office, Sir? where would that be"

Looking at me once again, he decided to not say anything.

I cant read your mind, damn it. Speak. I think to myself.

"Speak, I shall. Take me to my new office. Seeing as my old one is currently occupied by my brother." He hisses out fixing me me with his dark gaze, dark as the angry grey skies.

Old office? New office? Brother? What on earth is this man talking about?

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