Chapter 15 ~ Masculine Pink

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Gabriel's POV

"Here's the file you requested." Luke says as he drops the folder on the kitchen counter.

I keep my eyes on it as if it will disappear if I turn away from it.

"Everything?" I ask with a raised brow.

"Everything." He confirms.

The ring of my phone makes me finally look up from the damn folder.

"Open the freaking door, idiot." Comes the voice of that idiot Arab.

I hang up on him without replying, who is he calling an idiot?

'Because you just called him an idiot.' That annoying little voice said in my head.

I make my way toward the door and touch the camera pad on the wall.

The idiot has the audacity to pout.

"Something I can do for you, amico?" I ask as I turned on the audio button.

His eyes instantly snap to the camera and with a contorted face, he holds a garment bag and says, "Yes you idiot. You can open up the door and try on the thawb."

"Only if you take back the name calling, then I will open the door." I reply.

Scowling, he takes out his phone and dials a number.

"Get me the pink thawb from the car and take this back to my house." He orders into the phone.

"Inferno no!" with that I yank the door open so hard that it bangs against the adjacent wall.

"The hell you are. I specifically told you to get me a black one. Now, show me what you have brought Kareem. And it better not be a damn feminine thing." I roar.

The next I hear is nothing but laughter from Luke and Zayed.

"I knew that would work. Just don't do that again idiot." Zayed states and walked through the opened door.

"Come on Romeo, we don't have all night." He shouts from inside.

"You're coming with. I dint think I have enough control to not kill that cocky idiot tonight." I tell Luke and go inside.

"Explain how this Nika thing works. What is it and most importantly what do you guys do?" I ask wanting to know what I'm getting myself into.

"It's called Nikkah. And it's a ceremony in which is addressed with a marriage sermon. This is where they agree to the terms of the Mahr and the proper documents or marriage license is filed with the Mosque and the government. And this is officiated by the Imam or the head of the mosque. Tonight is where Hamza will officially become a husband and everthing is official." He explains.

I just look at him as he grabs a bottle of water from the fridge as if he's talking about the weather while I'm trying to process what he just said.

"I know you have more questions and I will answer them in the car. Now please go get dressed." He continues elaborating.

"Alright but just one more question. Do you guys dance or jump around while screaming and hooting?" I finally ask the question that's been bugging me.

But the damn idiot starts laughing.

"Ya Allah. That's one weird question. But the answer is NO! We don't dance or jump and we definitely don't scream." He says with a laugh.

"Besides you have been to the Masjid before. It's the same except that it will just be more crowded with food and water everywhere." He finishes taking another gulp from the bottle.

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