Chapter 20 ~ Pink or Yellow?

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Gabriel's POV

Walking into the conference room, I take a seat all the way in the back. I didn't want anyone to know that I was here yet. Element of surprise was the only thing I had.

No one knew I was back.

Being away for six months for business back in Italy was something I never planned.

I was only supposed to be there for two months until Rafael was able to leave with his family and move back to Italy.

But of course, my niece decided to grace the world earlier, which in turn, had me take over the deal.

Given, I couldn't make him leave his baby and wife behind to take care of a failing business.

Although I missed my family and friends, missing her was one thing that consumed my mind, damn it. Since the first day I've laid eyes on her, she has been the subject of my focus instead of the damn business plans I was to make. Most times, I think I see her walking or sitting at a little café, in Italy!

I knew I was seeing things from the first time I thought I saw her.

Only this time, she had a long black dress and a light pink head scarf.

It made me wonder, what's her favorite color? Does she like pink? Or yellow?

It's frustrating thinking or wondering about someone I never met like that. Running my hands through my hair, I heave a deep, troubled sigh.

My first stop as my plane landed was the coffee shop. I was hoping to catch a glimpse of her but only to find out that she no longer works there.

Where had she move to? Is she married? No, she is not. She cannot be.

And what if she is? What exactly can you do about it?

I thought about the question. What can I do if she's really married?

I would honestly beat the shit out of whoever he is and thinks he can take my woman! Thinking about it, has me all riled up and ready to ram his revolting face in.

I was brought back from my reverie as people started strolling in.

"Good Morning everyone, I expect everyone received the reports and understands what this meeting is for?" Said Rafael.

I looked around, examining everyone at the conference room looking from one to another.

Rafael only raised a furry brow as he immediately received yeses and nods of heads as confirmation.

"First, I want to talk about the new product we've launched. I'm happy to announce that it was one of the best sales we've had since the beginning of this year. It increased our shares and profits up to 36% from the last product launch. And that's all thanks to the hardworking of each one of you and those from your departments." Rafael continues walking towards the seat at the head of the conference table.

My seat!

As everyone started chatting about what Rafael said, my eyes instantly fell on a shadow sitting across from me. I blink not twice but five times trying to determine if my eyes were deceiving me again.

What is she doing here?!


Assalamualiakum everyone!

Please make sure to Pray, if you haven't already!

I'm so so sorry about the updates. I'm a horrible person, I know! 👎🏾
I have been trying to update for many times now, I just couldn't begin to write it. I had great ideas in my head but I could never put it into work.
And thank you guys for sticking with this story, I know I would have deleted it then never thought about it again. I have only started writing again last month when things in my personal life calmed down a bit.
And please understand that I have a full job and school that takes up 100%of my time. I don't get paid doing this, just your lovely thoughts and awesome support!
I know this is a short chapter but I am working on longer ones as I want to finish this book ASAP.
New updates coming up soon.
Again thank you for your patience. DON'T FORGET TO SHARE, LIKE, & COMMENT

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