Chapter Thirty

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"Hurry up Khay, we don't want to miss the first prayer." Safiya yelled at the bottom of the stairs.

Of  course,  it had to be Khay that was running late. For someone who was the first person to be up in the entire house, she had to be the only one late.

Rolling my eyes, I run back to the room and find her sitting on the bed fighting back tears.

"Oh, what's the matter?" I whisper.

"Shut the door." She whispers back.

"Okay, now tell me what's the matter?" I shut the door and sit next to her on  the bed.

"I'm getting married in two days. We still haven't found a solution to my little dilemma. I was thinking of starting now since I haven't done my makeup yet. What you think about a mole. A huge mole on the bottom of eye?" She rushed.

Shocked, I just stared at her. 

"First, we're going to take a deep breathe. In and out. Now, why are you trying to brainstorm on your own? Also, you're not getting married in two days. That's just ridiculous." I say, taking a deep breath myself.

"Second, we're leaving this room and joining the rest of the family just so we can make it to the first prayer." I get up, pulling on her arm.

"But--" She tries to speak.

"No buts. You're going to grab your makeup bag and you're doing it in the car. Now let's go before they leave us behind." I said, cutting her off.

grumbling, she does exactly as I say and we run downstairs.

She makes everyone laugh as she throws daggers of glares at Khalid.

"Now sister, that is not the way to start off on Eid morning." Khalid smirks at her.

Even I glare at him.

Which just makes him laugh even harder.

"This is going to be a fun day! Come on baba, we're going to leave before your Aunty kills me." He runs out the door with baby Ayman in his arms.

"You better. I will make your life so hard you won't be smiling for long." Khay threatens, runs after him.

"Oh Allah, please make the drive easy for us. These two are going to give me grey hair before old age. Ummu Khallid, do you see any already coming out?" Uncle Abudllah asks and bends his head down a little.

Aunt Maryam doesn't even reply before walking to the pantry to take out the dates and handing one to each of us.

"You're included. Take this to your children, Abu Khalid. I will not deal with them today. I want a peaceful ride. With zero talks from YOUR children." Aunt Maryam warns with raised eyebrows.

"Good luck with that mama. I can barely feed or tend to Aymen in peace with those two in the same room." Saf laughs while pulling my arm out the door.

"And why is that?" Khay screamed 

"Because." Khalid replied shutting the car door.

"Because? What kind of an answer is that. That's not even a sentence."

"It is."

"Ughh. I cannot deal with you this morning. Silence. I'm going to give you the silent treatment for the rest of the day. Don't speak to me. Don't speak about me. Don't even look at my way." Khay huffed.

"Yes!" Aunt Maryam exclaimed. "I might just have my wish."

"I'd like to see how long that will last." Uncle Abdullah grumbled.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 06 ⏰

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