Chapter 14 ~ Man on a Mission

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Gabriel's POV

Getting off the elevator before it even completely opens up all the way, I dash towards my office like a man on a mission.

I'm on a mission, alright. A voice snarls in my head.

"Signore, I thought you weren't coming in to the office today." The temp secretary states.

I halt abruptly midway to my office and look towards the woman who dared to question me in my own building.

"Why? Do I need permission from you to come into my office?" I inquire with a scowl.

"W-w-well, no sir. I-I was just surprised because Mrs. Donna said that you weren't coming in today." She explains stuttering.

"I come in whenever I want. And don't you have work to do? Surely your job doesn't entail standing around." I state and continue with my journey to my office.

I then remembered the main reason of why I came here.

"Bring me the contract with the Capella's and tell Luke to meet me in 10." I ordered and finally walk into my office.

Taking off my jacket, I walk to the big glass windows and stare out with my head spinning in many directions as to what actions I should take regarding this Capella situation.

How dare she threaten me with futile attempts? Does she not know that I can buy out their company in with a snap of my fingers?

I will teach that money sucking, gold-digger, leech heiress that no one threatens me and lives up to tell the tale.

"Here's the file you requested, Signore. And Mr. Luke is coming up and should be here shortly." The temp secretary says bringing me out of my reverie.

Turning around I come face to face with her.

She's the same height as hazel beauty. But not as modern and conservative as my beauty.

One day I will make her mine.

"Have the corporate lawyer draw up a contract for business partnership termination. I want to have it in my office first thing on Monday morning. Also set up an appointment for Monday with the Capellas." I say as I take a seat in my chair and pull up the folder.

I suddenly want a cup of espresso.

"Anything else, Signore?" she asks putting away the iPad.

"Get me a cup of espresso. And make sure there's no sugar." I reply.

I learned to take my espresso without sugar unless it's made by hazel beauty.

Nodding her head, she turns on her heels.

I exhale loudly as I open the contract agreement and look for their most valuable asset they put forth for nonno to agree to go into business with them.

One thing I learned from nonno is that, 'Always have something irreplaceable from the opposing partner.' He always said to have the upper hand and have them dance to your tune.

Which is exactly what I'm doing, having the Capellas dance to my tune.

'Got it.' a devilish smile creeps up in the corner of my lips.

A nock at the door makes me turn my head upwards.

Luke comes in after I grunt my response.

"You wanted to see me, Sir?" he asks as comes to stand in front of my desk.

"Yes, I have a job for you." I say as I take out a yellow folder out of the drawer and hand it to him.

He gives me a confused look as he looks inside the content.

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