Chapter 6~Rosy Cheeked Ahli

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Ahlam's POV


Not edited.

"Wallah this is the second last one. Ahli please just try it." Khay whines for the billion time.

We've been here for almost four hours looking for an 'outfit' for me.

Giving her my most puppy eyes that I know will absolutely work on her, I say, "Please khay, I'm tired. Hungary. Sleepy. And tired."

Laughing her head off, she pushes me back in the dressing room throwing the maxi dress, "Just try this one. I said Wallah this will be the last one. Tayeb, I'm going to go find a matching blazer. And don't think that I won't know if you haven't tried on the dress." She says and walks back out.

I was thinking of not trying it on, but after holding it up, I decided to try it on.

Looking at the price tag, my eyes widen to the point of popping out. This is worth a week of my paycheck.

"Okay. Ahli get out so I can see." Khay says from the other side.

Quickly putting the dress on and forgetting about the price, I walk out and show Khay.

"So, how do I look?" I ask twirling around.

"You look sexy. Can I get your number." She says with a whistle wiggling her eyebrows.

Bending over with laughter, I see her trying really hard to keep a straight face.

"So what do you say, sexy?" she says smirking with her left brow raised.

"Sorry, but I gotta know your name first Romeo." I reply finally  when I stoppped laughing.

Shaking her head, "Do I look like a Romeo to you?" she says.

"On second thought, no. you look more like Juliet. Beautiful like a rose. So seriously how do I look." I replied.

"No habibti, you look more like a Juliet because out of the two of us, you have rosy cheeks than I do. But it really does look sexy on you. Jameela." She says sighing like a happy mother.

Laughing at her actions, I walk back to the stall, only to be stopped by Khay's yelling.

"Wait! You didn't even try the Blazer I found or the hijab that would smash this outfit." She says pulling something about from behind her.

Halting in my step, I turn around so fast I bet you could hear my neck snap. Not literally.

"Khay, you said that this dress was the last item that I was gonna try on, now a blazer?" I ask with a frustrated sigh.

Gosh, I'm very sleepy and tired. I haven't had an actual sleep in forty-eight hours.

Giving up, I snatch the blazer and the hijab from her and walk back to the dressing stall FOR THE LAST TIME.

After trying on all the clothes that's depriving me from my sleep.

"Okay. Do I still look sexy with the sleep deprivers?" I ask sweetly batting my eyes.

Bursting out with laughter, she pretends to wipe a fake tear and says, "Don't worry Juliet, when nightfall comes, you'll be sleeping for centuries."

Rolling my eyes at her, I walk to the mirror and I must say, I do look sexy.

Just as Khay was supposed to reply, her phone goes off.

Answering the phone, she comes over and fixes the bottom hem of the dress.

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