Chapter 16 ~The Nikah Part 1

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Gabriel's POV

As Khalid and I were talking about business, I noticed how the room seemed to be filled with more people.

It was interesting how everyone knew each other intimately and were asking each other about their wellbeing.

About fifteen minutes after everyone was seated, a man I learned to be the Imam came out with a big smile showing his straight pearls.

"As-Salaam-Allaikum everyone. Mashallah, I hope everybody's in a festive mood for tonight. After we pray Isha, there is going to be a Nikah ceremony for Hamza ibn Hussein." The Imam said and with a few more words left.

I turned to Khalid to see him shaking hands with another man as they said their salaams.

"Where's the bride?" I ask looking around the room.

"She won't be here. This is only for the men, but she's probably at home with the females." He explains but continues as he notices confused expressions.

"While the men are here with the groom to finalize the engagement agreements and the papers, the women basically get together to do their hair and make-up. But most importantly Henna and wait until the Imam calls to ask the bride if she accepts the agreement and terms of the marriage as well as the groom."

"How can she sign documents if she's not here?"

Chuckling, he taps me on the shoulders and says, "They can do that on tomorrow or later. But most likely they will tonight." He elaborates.

"Did you do this when you were getting married?" I asked, interested to know more.

With a nod of his head, "And it was the longest five minutes of my life. I was afraid that Safiya might have changed her mind."

"Your son is coddler." Zayed cuts in as I was about to ask him more questions.

"Why do you think it's hard to get him out of his mother's sights?" Khalid says reaching out for his son.

"He's going to be a mama's boy all his life." Zayed remarks shaking his head.

"What's wrong with being a mama's boy? Last time I checked you're one." Khalid retorts shoving Zayed on the shoulder.

"Oh the trouble that awaits him... marriage. I can't show my face around my parents because I'm being questioned every day when I'll be getting married since I'm old already." He replies with an agonizing look on his face.

I feel bad when he talks about how his mother is pressuring him to settle down.

I was in his shoes not long ago. Of course, my family and I have come to a conclusion on my marriage-less life. One I wish to renegotiate.

"I agree. You are getting old." I chime in.

At that, Zayed glares at me before his attention is turned to Khalid.

"Not if I can help it. I don't want my son to be guiltily subjected into marriage. Not that I was." Khalid states.

"And how will you help him? From what I saw on your wedding day, you're whipped man." Zayed says as he laughs.

A good question it is. How can a man in love go against his wife?

"I'm not sure. But one thing I know is that we came here for Hamza's marriage. Not my son's. And there will not be any wedding for him anytime soon." He replies with a forced smile.

Just as he said that the call to prayer went off, making everyone stand at attention and get ready for it.

I was once again amazed at how everyone came together not just to pray but to also celebrate an important time to support their fellow family and friends.

Although I'm pretty sure that some might have come for the food and drinks, but nonetheless, they came to enjoy their matrimony.

"Watch the baby while we pray." Zayed commands while shoving the bambino into my arms.

Does he not know that this is the first time I've held a bambino this size since two and half years ago? I don't miss those days when Andrea was this size. I was always afraid of dropping him. And his mother did not help with her pestering and little comments on how to hold him either.

Giving him a tight smile, I gently place the bambino against my chest to hold him more securely.


Salaam everyone!

I know this isn't enough but its just to make way for the longer chapter I have planned Inshallah.

As always have fun reading, voting , and commenting.


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