chapter 4~2+2=6?

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Ahlam's POV

Trying to open my eyes with difficulty, all I hear is the buzzing sound in my head and the beeping of machines. Again and again I try and fail to open my eyes. But I can feel that there's someone in the room with me. I can hear their breathing, their movements, and they seem to be hovering over me. For the last time, I try to open my eyes again. However, as soon as I open them, the bright light blinds me and I close them again. But this time, I open them slowly and come face to face with Khaula.

"Ya Allah! I'm so glad you're awake Ahlam. Are you alright? Are you hurt anywhere? What made you want to walk alone? Huh? Why couldn't you have waited for me for a mere thirty minutes? What if something horrible happened to you? I wouldn't know what to do if something happened to you." Khaula starts rambling.

Yup, that's the Khaula I know and love. One minute she's caring, gentle, and sympathetic. But the next minute she's laud, mean, aggressive, and scolds too much like a mother.

I want to answer her but my throat is itchy.

"Could I please get a glass of water, Khaula?" I ask clearing my throat a little.

"Oh yeah of course." She turns around and walks out the room.

Thinking back to what happened, I don't really remember much. Rather I remember a soft voice in a foreign language. Gosh, it felt like I was back in that living room all over again at that moment. Only I was never rescued by anyone.

"Here sweetie, I bet you're thirsty." Khaula says in a voice filled with concern.

"Khay, what happened? I mean I know what happened but how did I get here?" I asked trying to remember after swallowing the cold soothing water.

"A good Samaritan brought you in. But how many times have I told you to never and I mean NEVER walk home alone? Don't you watch the news about girls getting either kidnapped or raped? Wallah, you're lucky that my mum doesn't know about it. YET! You know what? You're staying with us from now on." she says in one breath.

Trying to process what she just said, makes my head hurt even more. It's a challenge trying to think let alone comprehend what she's saying right now.

But there is one thing that I seem to remember clearly and that is my prayers. I have missed both Maghrib and Isha prayer. Getting out of the bed, I fall back on it instead.

"Whoa! What do you think you're doing? You can't get out of bed yet." She says putting her hands on my shoulders and sitting me back down.

"I missed my prayers, Khaula. Now please you either help me or get out of my way." I say and try to stand up again with the room spinning around me.

Sighing, she lift my legs and drops them on the bed, "I mean you can't pray because of the medication in your system so please just take it easy."

That explains why the room is spinning.

"When can I leave by the way? I really want to go home and sleep?" I ask looking at her.

"Huh! Not tonight you're not." She says in a serious tone.

I was about to protest but immediately changed my mind when she gave that look. Just one look from her and you'll be running for the hills. She's totally scary. I honestly feel bad for her future husband.

"Alright, but how about you read Surah AtTahrim for me." I ask in a pleading tone with my signature puppy eyes.

"Tayeb, but you better read AlQalam for me later." She says grinning as she sits at the end of the bed and starts to recite.

I love it when she recites that Surah for me and the same for her when I recite AlQalam.

Thanking Allah for watching over me and keeping me safe, I fall into a dreamless sleep again.

*The Next Morning*

Alhamdulillah, now I can leave this place. I feel like I have been here before. In a hospital that is. But I'm over the moon to be discharged.

"All we have to do is pay the bills and we're done." Khaula says in a chirpy tone. I know for a fact that she's trying to cheer me up but she sounds like a little girl in a candy shop.

"You're awfully happy about this. I should be the only one that's happy about this." I say pouting a little.

"Of course Ahli. But now we can go and get some ice cream. Ooh, how about we get junk food and watch your favorite movies all day in bed? In our PJ's?" she gasps the last part out.

Shaking my head, I walk out the room knowing that her rambling is just the beginning.

"So what do you think? I know you'll love it. I love it!" she exclaims.

"Khay, can we get ponies too? Ooh, ooh what about a kitten? Oh I know, how about I go to my house and you go to yours?" I say messing with her.

"Really?! I think that would be an expended idea. For example, we could get you a dog to walk with you at night so things like this doesn't repeat itself? Or perhaps we should just go to my house because mum is waiting for us in the parking lot?" she says sarcastically.

"Okay. Sheesh!" I say finally giving up.

Stopping at the reception desk to pay the hospital bills, the nurse on duty tell me that it's already paid for.

Looking between Khaula and the nurse, I say stuttering, "No, I think you have the wrong name. See here" taking out my wallet, I show her my ID with my name and address on it.

"My name is AHLAM AL-BAKRY. And this is my first time being here in this hospital. So there's no way I would have paid unless I was sleepwalking." I say getting really confused by the second.

"I know. But it says here that it's already paid for." The nurse says.

"Khaula, do you have anything to do with this?" I ask her in a serious tone.

"No, but I think the man that brought you in paid for It." she says shrugging.

I hate when people do things for me. I don't trust nor rely on people to do things for me. I have always been independent and did things on my own. I had/have to do things on my own ever since I could remember. And I definitely don't like owing people.

But I am glad and will forever be grateful to him for bringing me to the hospital.

Now I just have to find him and pay him back the money.Find him?

What will I say if I find him, "Hi, I'm the girl you saved in the alleyway and I'm here to pay you back for the hospital money?"

Even that's too hard to solve let alone an actual problem like what's 2+2?

I'm getting a headache just from thinking.

what's the answer to that anyways? 2+2=6? 


Sallam everyone!


I hope you enjoyed reading this chapter. Just like I promised, longer chap. ^_^

But seriously, thank you guys for reading, sharing, voting, commenting, and liking this story.

Let me know what you think about it.

And I will include the translation of the Italian in here next time (INSHALLAH).

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