Chapter 2 ~ Knight in shining Marcolini

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Gabriel's POV

Waking up to the rays of sun hitting my face, I get off the bed and go on with my daily routine. Taking my time getting ready to go to the office, I get a call from my secretary. Its stressful being the boss of a multibillionaire company I love my job very much and I hate it when my grandparents compare me to my older brother. 

Settling down and getting married is something he chose to do. My brother chose to become the company's CFO instead of the CEO.  "Running a company is not for me, its demanding, stressful, and most of all time consuming. I would rather spend more time with my wife." Were his exact words. The ironic thing is that he was against marriages and kids just six years ago. But of course, he'd want to handle situations that involve traveling.

Too engrossed with my thoughts, I hear my phone ringing.

"Good morning Sir, Mr. Zayed Kareem is here to see you and he says needs to see you immediately." Says my secretary, Carla.

"Be there in twenty." With that I hung up the phone and grabbed my things on the way out. Wondering why he would show up in my office without an appointment and so early in the morning at that.

We have been partners with the Kareems for a long time and we're in the middle of business transaction at the moment opening up another hotel in Dubai. This hotel would mark the two-hundredth hotels we own around the world. Zayed and I have become great friends. I usually don't get along with the people I meet every day in my life. I might like one person out of the ten I meet.

Getting out of the car, I take the private elevator and go up to the top floor. There I see Zayed pacing around in my office. The son of a gun just walked into my office.

"What has you pacing around like a lunatic my friend?" I ask ignoring the glares of daggers he's throwing my way.

"Oh, I don't know. Perhaps I have been waiting for an idiot Italian I call friend." He growls out.

Hiding my smirk with difficulty I ask, "What's troubling you amico? (Friend)"

"My parents. They're looking for a wife for me." He says not in the least happy about it.

"I agree with them, you're getting old  amico mio. (My friend) I wouldn't want to see your handsome face go to waste." I say laughing at his reaction.

"Yeah coming from you, I take that as a compliment." Smirking, he sits down on the chair apposite me.

My employees think, actually know that I'm a cold person that hardly ever smiles or let alone laughs. People would think that Adam, Zayed's older brother and I would get along perfectly, but we don't have anything in common other than business. He's the complete apposite of Zayed, always serious and stern. Perhaps that's why Zayed can tolerate being my friend. I'm told I'm not an easy person to get along with.

"Yeah but don't go catching feelings now——-" dodging the box of tissues he threw at me, my secretary waltz into my office without knocking.

"Can I get you anything sir?" batting her eyelashes at Zayed, she walks around the mahogany table to pick up the tissue box, where we can see her breasts.

Disgusted with her behavior, I glance towards Zayed and seem him with his eyes closed tightly. Then I look towards Carla and notice that she's looking at him weirdly, she bends down more to reveal her breasts.

"Leave! Now Carla." I yelled in a cold tone hoping she'd literally run out. 

Snapping her head toward me, I can see the fear so visible in her eyes. Giving her a cold glare, she puts the box on the table and walks out rather quickly. She knew not to enter my office when Zayed was in here. Everyone in this building knew that.

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