Chapter 27

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Gabriel's POV

Unable to look away from her, it felt like I was being sucked into the depth of her soul. Her expressive eyes, more green than hazel under the daylight. Of course her gaze darts around the room, never holding my gaze.

Requesting her signature espresso coffee, I complete going over more documents to lighten my workload for the week.

Expecting her, Raffaele strolls through my office without knocking.

"Che cosa?" (what?)

"I'm leaving for the day, also Ahlam has Friday off, non-negotiable. Donna will be here to assist you. Are you ready for the meeting tomorrow with Ruxonburgh?" Making himself comfortable in my office.

Now why does she need Friday off?

"I am. Will you be at the family dinner this Sunday? I cannot stand to be there if that woman shows up again." God, I pray she is not.

Before he responds, she walks in with a tray. More than the cup of coffee I asked for.

Instantly smiling for Rafael, she places the tray on the side of my desk, my brother smiles wide and greets her.

Is she blushing?

"Of course. Now have some refreshments before your wife scolds me again" She chuckles and leaves again.

Why doesn't she laugh around me?

"What's with the frown, brother?" Raffaele smirks.

Glaring at him, I lean over to grab my coffee and some fruits.

"She works for me, brother. Need I remind you are a married man?"

Rafaele just stuffs the food down his throat and smirks.

"We'll be at the dinner Sunday. Don't worry, my wife isn't very much of a fan of her either. You know her father will be at the dinner as well?" He asks, arching a brow.

Sighing heavily, I run my hand through my hair and down my face. Sometimes being diplomatic is a problem.

"Okay. Pops isn't actually arranging my marriage to her is he?" I splutter, remembering Zayed's dilemma.

Again, he just laughs aloud, shrugging.

I double the contact information for her to make sure its done. She's quite efficient with her work. Always on top of it, of course Donna has done very well in teaching her the ropes.

Soon she walks into my office with a coffee cup for Raffaele and states she's done for the day, reminding Raffaele to not forget a cheese danish and is gone for the day.

"Very efficient, quick to take care of requests." Raffaele remarks, still staring at the empty spot she was standing.

Narrowing my eyes, I look at my brother. What is going on with them? Cheese danish? Fridays off?

"Do you mind grabbing cheese danish from that little cafe before you get in Friday? Donna loves those, Ahlama and I owe her for letting her take Friday off." Raffaele asks, bringing me from my thoughts.

"Sure. I'll be done in an hour. I need to have words with pops later." Looking at my watch, I'll probably make it there well after seven.

"Yeah. I'm heading home now. Gotta a newborn to take care of and give my wife some break." He shakes his head and heads out.

Finally alone in my office, I tackle more admin work and look over datas from recent accounts we've taken over.

Traffic is light considering it's the middle of a work week, making my journey short to Scarsdale.

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