Author' Note

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Assalamu'ailikum everyone.

Hey guys, I hope everyone is safe and healthy.
These are a very difficult times as we see the world finally crumble due to the injustice and hatred that's being sewed into it for centuries.
Please stay safe and keep in mind in regards to the still very active COVID-19. As a Muslim, I cannot stand and watch as a group of people fight through teeth and nail for their basic human rights, to be able to have a simple breath in their lungs. And don't forget the simple. Breath. Is also denied to our poor Muslim brothers and sisters in the occupied states of the so called justice seekers/peaceful.
Please keep in mind that this isn't to scare you, it's to simply bring your attention to what's going on and that the powers of Dua are much much stronger than any other force, physical or not.  Keep everyone in your prayers please.

Now for this story.... 😩
Would you guys like to have a longer (in the 1.5-2k words) or often updated chapters no matter how short the chapters?

Please take the time to give me a feedback as I wish to be done with this story for once.
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Thank you so much to my adamant friends here.

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