Chapter 7~ Blushing Pizza

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Ahlam's POV


"What do you want to eat?" Khay asks starting the car.

"Homemade rice. Why don't we just go home and cook something simple." I reply.

"But I thought we could eat out since you haven't had anything to eat yet." She says shrugging.

"So now you're worried about me? What about when you were forcing me to try on all those clothes?" I ask.

"Well we're not around clothes now, are?" she replies sticking out her tongue at me.

Unbelievable. Wallah, this girl is something else.

"Besides, I thought we could cook something and then stuff our faces with chocolates and watch movies. That's the only reason why agreed to come shopping anyways." I say reminding her of the deal we had.

"Okay then. What are you gonna cook?" she asks pulling out.

Laughing at her statement, I say, "We are going to make pizza."

"Why pizza?" she asks giving me a ridicule look.

"Because." I just say looking at the window.

I didn't feel like talking. I just wanted to get home and eat something that's homemade and relax. I haven't cooked in a long time.

For someone who loves to cook, I only get to make coffee and tea at the café.

'You're the best tea maker I have ever seen. From now one, you'll only be responsible in making the tea and coffees for the customers.' Were the exact words of Rose.

"Tayeb. We can make pizza too." After Khay says that we fall into a comfortable silence.

Just as I was about to close my eyes, my phone goes off.

Without checking the caller ID, I answer the phone. But without hearing their voice, I had this gut feeling that I shouldn't have answered this call.

"Hello darling." Says the voice I dreaded and have been avoiding this entire time.

Gasping with shock, I attempt to reply. But there are no words passing my lips. Just pure shock tormenting me.

"Well are you going to answer?" They ask.

Instead of trying to answer again, I hung up the phone and turn it off.

"Who was that?" Khay asks giving me an expressionless face.

"Wrong number. Wake me up when we get home please." I reply pushing the seat down and finding a comfortable position.

Wallah I thought Khay could hear the beating of my heart, see how shaky my breath and hands are.

Why do they have to call now? And today of all times?

Closing my eyes, I try my best to get those tormenting memories out of my head, but there is only so much I can handle today. First assault, then Khay, and now them?

'You want to attend the university? You?! You think you're so much better than my daughter? Who is going to pay for your tuition? It most certainly will not be my husband.' She said as she swings the broomstick over my head.

'Perhaps it would be for the best if we marry you off, no? There's always the Ali's. Their son would make a divine husband for you. Don't you think darling?'

"No! please don't. I promise I will get a job and pay the tuition myself. I will go find a job today. Just please don't marry me off!" I screamed sitting up in the car seat.

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