Chapter 9~ Something Wrong?

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Gabriel's POV

Parking the car in front of my parents' house, I step out of the car and walk through the front door.

Noticing that Rafael's car is here meant that I will definitely be questioned by him from our earlier conversation, rather the one I ignored about a certain hazel beauty, Ahlam.

Dreams, the meaning of her name.

The last time I was her was in a hospital room where she looked paler than snow white.

Shaking my head to rid of the unwanted memories of last night, I hear the most annoying voice in the universe; Clarissa.

"Glad you decided to join us for dinner." She wines with an unattractive pout.

As she pouts, she leans down a little to expose more of her breasts.

I instantly avert my eyes elsewhere as I remembered the incident regarding Carla in my office.

I just shot her a glare as I walk to further into the dining room.

Knowing which seat I was going for, mama sat on the seat next to my nephew, Andrea. Only leaving me to sit next to or across from Clarissa.

Neither seat appealed to me which is why I grabbed a chair and sat directly across from mama.

"Is something wrong with that seat?" Mama asks with a raised brow.

Giving her a dazzling smile, I shake my head negative.

"No mama, just saw something I wished I hadn't."

"Oh okay. Doesn't Clarissa look exquisite tonight?" Mama asks while clasping her hands together.

I'm not sure what mama sees in her but she's trying too hard from my perspective.

"For a club? Sì but for a family dinner? NO, mama she does not." Answer with a blank look.

Why she would come to a family dinner in nothing but a short dress that barely covers anything is beyond me.

I hear my family trying hard not to burst out laughing.

"Well, I'll make sure to dress more conservatively for you next time." Clarissa says through gritted teeth.

"Don't worry. There won't be a next time." I say as I watch her jaw drop and eyes widen.

"And why's that mio figlio?" Mama asks.

"Perché mama, non mi interessa di lei (Because mama, I'm not in her)." I reply pushing the glass of wine out of my view.

I can feel everyone staring at me at the action.

"Qualcosa di sbagliato figliolo (Something wrong, son)?" Papa asks this time.

"No pops. But there is something I'd like to discuss with you and Nonno."

"Bene (Okay). We'll talk after dinner."

With a nod, I go back to eating my food. Or picking it.

"Well this has been a lovely evening but I know when I've overstayed my visit." Clarissa says standing up.

At that moment, I smiled.

A genuine smile since I laid eyes on the hazel beauty.

Ahlam. My subconscious shouts.

Just her name made my smile wider. Grinning like an idiot, as I remembered how she would smile at the older lady behind the counter every time she walked by her.

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