Chapter 29

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Ahlam's POV

It was the last day of Ramadan and I've never been more exhausted.

Khay's family came back with so many gifts you'd think they bought an entire mall.

Receiving my Eid gift and other little souvenirs was my absolute favorite part of staying with Khay's family. They've always treated as one of their own. Which is something I've never felt with my so-called family. Always getting left behind just to clean and cook, when they visited family and friends. Getting yelled at for even daring to ask to tag along to amusement parks, dinners, and being with them. Ever since I was able to voice my requests and look to motherly affections, I knew I didnt feel an inkling of familial ties with them.

But now, I was showed what true family was truly like. 

Just thinking about leaving them made me feel a deep sadness. Not an emotion I've felt for leaving my life behind in London.

"This matches your new shoes so well, Ahla." Aunt Maryam exclaimed.

Looking at the items, it was a three-piece butterfly abaya set in shimmering nude pink color. 

" Aww! Thank you aunt Maryam. I love it." I got up and gave her a big hug.

"Okay, where is my abaya gift. I hope you got me a rose gold one for me, mama." Khay asked.

Laughing, aunt Maryam shoved a gift bag into Khay's hands and smiled sweetly.

"Yes! I love you so much mama. This is exactly what I had in mind. How do you always know what I want before I know?" Khay ran towards that stair, guessing to try on her new abaya. 

"We also got baby Ayman a new thobe and a few toys. And you, Safiya, I got you more than one Abaya set and a little more in the bag." Aunt Maryam winked at her.

Giggling, Safiya takes the bag after hugging her mother and landing a kiss on her forehead.

 I loved witnessing these pure lovely exchanges.

I felt my eyes moisten with unshed tears. I long for the feeling of being loved and appreciated by that motherly affection aunt Maryam is displaying.

 "Look at me! This is so gorgeous. Oh! This is definitely my style!" Khay exclaimed, twirling around the living and posing in funny and cute ways.

"Mashallah! This is amazing. Show me the back." Safiya pulled her on her and made her turn around.

"That really does look beautiful. Let me go and try on mine as well." Safiya giggles and runs as well.

 "You too, Ahlam! I want to see what yours looks as well." Aunt Maryam requested.

 I got up to go to my room and try on the new outfit shyly.

After I came down, all three of us stood side by side and admired each other's outfits. 

Of course, Khay being the extra that she is, actually completed her look with purse, jewelry, and shoes.

"Allahuma Barik. You all look exquisite my darlings. Oh, habibi, look at them. Don't they look beautiful. Oh! I almost forgot, here i got you three these gold sets. They would look even more beautiful on you." Aunt Maryam coos. 

grabbing another bag with jewelry cases and handing one to each of us.

That was it. That was all it took for the damp to break in my eyes. I felt the tears before sobs wrecked my body.

"Aww baby, whats wrong? What has you crying?" Khay asked, pulling me into a firm hug.

Guiding me towards the couch, she sits me down and asks Saf to hand me a tissue.

"What's wrong? Please, tell me, before I join in you ugly crying." Khay asks with fear and tremble in her voice.

"It's really nothing. I just never received any gifts for Eid. Not just one but two amazing presents. I feel so loved, I cant even--" I start crying again before I finish.

This time, aunt Maryam moved to sit on my other side and pulls me into her arms.

"Hush child. You are loved and appreciated. I love you. Khaula loves you. Safiya loves you. Even baby Ayman loves you. I'm beyond happy to have you as a member of my family and I can't wait till you put your Eid outfit together. We will have a home and a place for you in our hearts. Always." Aunt Maryam said in a soft motherly tone.

By this point, I was in a mess, hiccupping every ten seconds. I returned her hug with a firm one of my own. Just staying her arms.

"I love you all. I just feel sad around this time of the year." I replied after I calmed down.

"It's okay, child. This is a happy time and shows your strength for what you went through. Now, lets see you model your new abaya." Aunt Maryam said excitedly after she planted a kiss on my head.

Laughing, I sprang to my feet to try on my brand new gifts.

Taking a little more time to gather myself, I wash my face with cold water and dry my hands. Finally letting go of my emotional turmoil. I loved my new gifts more than anything. I appreciated aunt Maryam more and more.

Making a dua for the family, I made by way downstairs to model for them.

Laughter and chatter sounds were ringing throughout the house. After couple of hours, everyone retired to their respective  rooms.

Before I made my way to my room, Aunt Maryam and uncle Abdullah asked to speak with me for minute.

I met downstairs, feeling a little nervous. For what? I don't know.

"Hello, dear." Uncle Abdullah greeted me.

"Hello, Uncle." I didn't know what else to say.

"Stop making the poor girl nervous. Come here, sit next to me. There's something we'd like to discuss with you darling."  Aunt Maryam admonished.

"Don't worry dear, We just wanted to tell you that you can always come to us if there's ever anything you need. We're more than happy to help you, regardless of how big or small it may be. you're  now one of us. We see you no less than as a daughter. Especially, as a friend to that crazy daughter of ours. Anytime you need or want to talk, we're here for you." Uncle Abdullah said with a soft look in his eyes.

Oh, I absolutely don't want to cry again. This is more than I ever got from my actual father. 

"Thank you both. I appreciate that. Really. And I will come to you if I ever find myself needing to talk or anything. I appreciate you both. And trust me, Khay is the one dealing with me." Answered, feeling beyond grateful. Maybe a little jealous of Khay for having such a great parents.

I thought about bringing up Khay's impending marriage to "old, fat, bald man" but after this sweet moment, maybe another time.

I left them alone after making them some mint tea.


"Goodnight, dear." Was their only response.

Tomorrow's Eid, In'Sha'Allah. And for the first time of my life, I went to bed excited and giddy.

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