Chapter 12 ~ Ideal wife...Fat?

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Khalid's POV

"You mean that annoying little fat kid was her?" Zayed asked.

Unpredictable, is the only word I can describe him in, always doing or saying things is the last thing you'd expect from him.

Before I can comment, Gabriel bursts out laughing his head off.

"You knew who she was but not who she is?" He asks after his laughter is reduced to chuckles.

Zayed, however only replies to him by narrowing his eyes at him.

"Well, I haven't seen her in almost twelve years. How was I to know that she's the one that got me in trouble when we were kids?" he retorts.

"Only because you kept pulling on her hair and bullying her." I finally input.

Making a ticking sound with his tongue, he waves his hand as if he does not care.

"That's only because she used to provoke me and bring out the worst in me." He defends himself.

"Ya Zayed, the only person who brought out the worst in you, were you. Always causing havoc wherever you went and making troubles as you got older." I state.

"What do you know about my childhood?" he asks, probing himself straight in the chair.

"Ask Adam. He'll tell you exactly what I just said." I reply with a smirk.

"Yeah because you also used to side with him in snitching out on me and always making sure that I would get stuck with Grandma." He huffs.

Laughing hard at the mention of his grandmother, I couldn't help but remember how strict she was.

"She wasn't strict with Khaula though. I think she gave ma nanna some of her sweet persuasive cookies." He replies.

"What cookies?" Gabriel asks.

I look toward Zayed as well. I don't ever remember any cookies pertaining to Khoula.

"She would always carry fresh baked cookies from the kitchen with her, like she couldn't live without them." He answers my silent question.

"I don't remember anything about them." I say. When has she ever carried cookies with her?

I know that she would always share her things to those she felt comfortable with and liked.

I suddenly look at Zayed as if something clicked into place.

She wouldn't. Khoula would not have done that.

"Tell me Zayed, had she ever shared her cookies with you?" I finally ask wanting to hear his answer.

"Yeah, she wouldn't leave me alone until I at least had two. And it always had to be two." He answers narrowing his eyes at me.

"Why the sudden interest though?" He questions.

I know he's probing information about Khoula and I don't blame him. After all it was Khoula that started this.

"Just trying to remember about the cookies as I have never seen her carrying them." I divert his inquisitive mind.

Before he could ask any more questions, we hear a phone vibrating on the table and Gabriel grabs it, looking at the phone as if he would put hole in it.

"Excuse me for a minute." He asks before standing up to leave.

"Tell me Zayed, what do you look for in a woman?" I ask as he takes a sip of his drink.

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