Chapter 23 ~ Prickly Prick

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Ahlam's OV

What a prick!

How does he expect me to know where his office is, if he's never introduced himself?

"I'll be more than happy to assist you sir, what's your name? and where was your old office?" I ask in a calculated voice?

please say something snarky

"Marcolini. Gabriel Marcolini. My office's the one that says, "G. Marcolini- Acting CEO" he responds with measured tone.

Again for the millionth time, I blink. Twice.

"Ah fratello, I see you've met Ahlam. I don't believe you've been properly introduced. This is Ms. Ahlam Al-Bakry.

It was then I remembered en email I received on my first week about the changes to management and how the one I was supposed to actually work for had to leave the country for an urgent matter in Italy, replacing my current boss.

"Ahlam, this is my younger brother and the boss, Gabriel Marcolini" Rafael said as he pulled his phone out of his breast pocket, looking at his ringing phone.

With nothing else to say or do, I give him a timid smile and have him exit the room first so I can bring him to his new office. Technically to the Senior Marcolinis's office. I guess he's the one taking over the company for his father instead of Rafael.

"Great. Now show me my new office"
"Be nice nice yo her Gabriel, if you'll excuse me" Rafael warned ad he walked away from us to go to his office.

With neither of us saying antonym after, go ahead walking in front of home, not really caring he followed or not to his office.

"This is it. Will there be anything else I can get you, before Donna comes in?" I ask, hoping he would say nothing.

Of course, he doesnt answer. He just walks farther into the room and goes straight towards the wall to wall window.

"A cup of espresso" he finally demands without a backward glance.

"Of curse."

"No sugar"

"Got it. Anything else"


Rolling my eyes, I make mental note to never have espresso again... No!

Walking out, I head into the coffee room getting the order started. This is a perfect reminder of where I started when I came into the country.  Despite being qualified for perhaps even doing his, I'm quite content in being an assistant, give more practice.
More practice to be a total douchebag, monotones, and definitely grumpy. And I'll start my daily morning ritual le with him


Gabriel's POV

What. The. Actual. Inferno!

What's she doing here? How and when?

Most importantly why haven't I hearted of a new PA?! Not once have gotten an email of a new assistant working for him.

I was under the assumption that Donna was pulling the weights of a personal assistant to the both of us.

I bet it was Rafael that hired her.

What a prick?

Salaam everyone!
Please don't forget your prayers!

Hope each and everyone of you is safe and healthy, iA.
Eid Mubarak!!! Wow. That was the fastest Ramdan I've ever observed in my life  
I know this is a very short chapter, but I wanted to at least have something up since there's sooo many requests for an update.
Thank you so much for the support and love everyone!

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