Chapter 11~ Brother Bear

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Khalid's POV

Trying to keep myself from questioning the girls on why Ahlam has a bandied and why they were at the hospital at nine in the morning, I concentrate on driving.

After a while of driving, I remembered that Khay said Ahlam has an interview with Macrolini Company. The Marcolini family are very well known for their influence in both the business world and socially. Especially, for being a big family where everyone is involved in all types of charities.

I remember a couple months ago where they hosted the largest charity gallery for the underprivileged families all over the world. This was probably what drew me in to partnering with them.

But to have Ahlam work there, I just don't feel quite comfortable. If she really wanted a better job, she could have come to me. I always made sure to make her the offer and let her know that there's a position in my company for her. That is if she wanted it, especially with her degrees. She would be a great asset to any company.

"Meet me in the cafeteria once you're done with your shopping's." I say as we all walk through the automatic doors.

I did not like leaving them on their own, but then they would be in all girls' shops. Besides I had to buy something for Aymen. I liked bringing things for him; I always buy little things every night on my way home.

As I was looking around the shops, I hear a commotion coming from the arcade room. Thinking it's probably couple of teenagers goofing around, I continue with my search.

Instead I find a beautiful bracelet and Safiya instantly comes my mind. While waiting for the sales lady to gift wrap it for me, my phone dings indicating a text.

Seeing the name across the screen, my face breaks out with a smile.

But the content of the text message makes my smile go away. Not liking how she's having difficulties with our baby boy, I give her a call to make sure that everything's alright.

As we're talking, I can faintly hear Aymen fussing and cooing.

Noticing the time, I realized that we've been on the phone for the three hours straight.

Saying Salaams to both Safiya and Aymen, I call Khay to make sure that they're almost done.

Right as I hung up the phone, small object catches my eyes.

It's a gold teddy bear that says, 'I love U Dad.' Without thinking about it grab it and go to the checkout line again. After I was done purchasing, I walk out of the shop towards the open area where the cafeteria is located.

Sighing I run a hand through my hair and sit on a chair waiting for them. I could just imagine Khay making a fuss out of everything.

Looking up as I heard a familiar sound, I urn my head to the direction of the voice.

Craning my neck a little, I see a sight of Zayed ibn Kareem. His older brother and I have been friends since childhood. I remember him always being in trouble. And when he wasn't in trouble, he was causing trouble wherever he went.

"Ya Zayed, Mada Taf'alu?" I ask him catching him off guard when he was about to chase the other guy with a kid.

Turning to look at me, his face breaks out into a wide grin, "Khalid."

After exchanging pleasantries, he looks towards the man with the kid.

"I want you to meet my best friend, Gabriel and his nephew Andrea." He says as he ruffles the little boy's hair.

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