Chapter 25

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Ahlam's POV

Going back to my desk, I notice my phone blinking with missed calls and voicemails.

Sighing, I listen to the voicemail, noting that a meeting is cancelled, another is requesting to be rescheduled, and so forth.

Logging into my computer, I'm instantly bombarded with IM messages from G. Marcolini asking for past documents, recent meeting notes, and to step into his office as soon I see the messages.

Making sure to get the rest of my work done, I grabbed the files and headed over to his office.

Noticing that the assistant isn't at her desk, I knock on his door mildly.

"Coming in"

Walking in, I see him sitting behind his huge desk, wearing glasses, and furiously typing away on his laptop.

"Leave them on the table. Walk me through the day to day agenda for my brother's schedule. Also, I need you to set up a meeting for our LA office. I need the heads of every department present and their assistants." He orders.

Putting the files on the table, I take out my tablet and start to type as well.

"Anything else?" I ask looking up.

"Yes, please reserve a table for four at Bella's"

"Lunch or dinner?"

"Lunch. And I will need you there as well." He said, never looking up from his laptop.

Looking at the reservations at Bella's I notice the only table available is the private room, which is ridiculously expensive.

"The time and date?"

"Tomorrow at noon. Book the private room for three hours. Now, what's on the schedule for tomorrow?"

Happy that he saved me from further questions on the restaurant, I closed the notes tab and opened up the schedule and rattled off the appointment's times, with who, where, and a quick summary of the meetings.

"Your lunch meeting is reserved from noon to three pm. The first meeting on the schedule for tomorrow is at nine am at the second-floor conference room. Rafael will be there as well. Anything else?"

Finally looking away from his computer, he looks up at me dead in the eye,

Gulping hard, I look at anywhere but his eyes.

I hate looking at people in the eyes. They make me feel like a caged animal, wanting to escape.

Bringing my eyes back to him for a blink, he's still staring at me.

"Anything else, Sir?"

"Yes. Your phone number. The number on your personal profile says it's inactive. Please have that updated ASAP." he states finally looking away back to his computer.

Shit. I completely forgot about that.

"That will be done when I get back to my desk" with that I walk towards the door only to be stopped by his voice.

"I need you to get me a cup of espresso before you leave." He demands

Nodding my head, I take my leave.

Heading over to the breakroom, I take out the capsules, I start making the espresso coffee. While that's brewing, I go to my desk and update my personal information and make sure that everything is all set for when I come back to end my day in fifteen minutes.

As I finished making the coffee, I decided to add a plate of fruits, cheese assortments, and chocolates, knowing this was his fourth cup of espresso without seeing any other substantial foods.

Not bothering to knock on the door, I walk ahead and find Rafael in the office as well.

"Hello Ahlam, nice to see you taking care of my brother." He smiles, ,eying the tray I'm carrying.

Blushing a little, I put the tray on the side of the table and smiled at Rafael still eyeing the little refreshments.

"Of course. Now have some refreshments before your wife scolds me again" I chuckle.

Getting to Rafael's eating habits, likes and dislikes, and at exact times to bring up coffee and refreshments to his office has been fun. I go back to the break room and grab another cup of freshly brewed black coffee.

"Here, your very last cup of the day." I hand the cup to Rafael as soon as I step back into the office.

"Truly, you are the best. I don't know how you do that. Always knowing what I need before I know it, you amaze me." He gushes with a genuine smile.

Blushing furiously, I avoid eye contact and turn back to his brother to let them both know that my work day is finally over.

"Thank you for all you've done today, Ahlam. Don't forget our deal tomorrow." Rafael winks before going to sit on the lounge sofa.

"I'll get the candles, you get the coffee and cheese danish. Maybe she can do the same next week?" I ask hoping to give Donna a time off earlier as well.

"What's happening tomorrow?" My new boss asks.

Snapping my head towards him, I open my eyes to explain before Rafael interjects.

"You don't need to know fratello, just focus on the meetings and the lonely nights you're going to spend here working all by your lonesome." He smirks.

Seems like there's an unsaid amusement between them as to how my new boss scowls.

Slightly shrugging, I bid them both a good evening and I leave the office for the day.

As I get into my car and drive over to Khay's house, I mentally make a list of all that I need to complete by tomorrow before having that dreadful conversation with her.

But seeing as it is after five in the evening on a Thursday, I don't think there's much I need to get done.

Coming to a full stop at a red light, I think to myself how much I not only hate driving, but driving and being stuck in traffic.

An NYC freaking traffic, on rush hour.

With a heavy sigh, I pull out my phone and send a text to Khay from my new number letting know that we need to talk.

I truly hate burdening her with my issues but she's the only person I trust in the world. And she always knows what to say.

Finally reaching the house, I park my car and grab my work laptop, seeing that piece of shit needs to be on me for security reasons and take out the house key.

Of course, I don't expect anyone but Khay to be home. Knowing that Khalid and his small family have gone on a mini vacay for Ramadan to his parents. Nothing is better than Khay and I having this huge house to ourselves.

I chuckle remembering the first night. We had a blast, watched three movies, ordered Indian takeaway, and a little Tiramisu from my favorite Italian place.

It was honestly probably the best nights of my life.

With that in mind, I walk towards the kitchen to find Khay bent over the island as she's furiously typing away on her phone with tear streaks on her cheeks.

My stomach instantly drops knowing that I never received a response back from her to my earlier texts and now to see her pale and crying face. That's enough to tell me something major has happened.


Salaam guys!

Please pray for our dear brothers and sisters around the world.

Don't forget to pray!


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