Chapter 10 ~ Grown Morons

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Gabriel's POV

Getting home an hour and a half after leaving my parent's house, I spent couple of more hours doing some paperwork.

Sending out emails to rearrange my schedule to set up an appointment with the Capella's, I close the laptop and hop in the shower.

Desperately trying to wash away the stress and tensions for the last couple of days, felt nothing but comfort.

Next Morning.

Waking up to the shrilling noise of my cell phone, I groan trying to locate the damn thing.

"Mr. Marcolini please wake up and join the rest of us living beings." I hear the annoying voice belonging to my brother.

"What could I possibly do for you at 6:30 in the MORNING." I ask him irritated.

"Well in case you've forgotten, you're supposed to meet our new client in less than five hours." He states as if he's making any sense.

"I know what time the meeting is set for brother, but what I don't know is why you're calling me NOW." I ask again.

"Because Fratellino, you have to babysit your nephew until then. And I woke you up at this hour cause..."

I look at the phone thinking he hung up when he doesn't finish the sentence.

Then I hear the front door bell ringing.

Of course, I should've known.

"Go away Rafael." I say through the phone.

"Zio, why do you want papa to go away?" I hear the voice of my nephew ask.

Taking a deep breath, I slip out of the bed and walk towards the front door.

Opening the door, I find Rafael casually leaning against the wall while Andrea is hugging his teddy bear in his PJ's.

"Because little man, I only want to hang out with the best nephew in the whole wide world." I say giving him a cheeky grin.

"What did I tell you mio figlio?" Rafael asks him.

"Zio Gabe loves me." Andrea replies with a smile of his own.

"That I do. Now do you wanna come inside so we can go back to sleep?" I ask as I pick him up, not caring if his father was following.

"Zio can we watch Ben 10?" He asks while rubbing his eyes.

Chuckling at his action, I turn on the Telly and give him the remote.

Sticking around for a while until he found the specific episode he wanted, I left for the kitchen.

"So wanna talk about hazel beauty?" Rafe asks taking a seat.

Of course he would want to know about hazel beauty.

"There's nothing to talk about." I state matter of fact.

"Oh really? So she has nothing to do with why wanna get out of the deal with the Capellas?" he inquires.

"No, Nothing. I just don't see the point of marrying Clarissa for more shares of their company and for them to still own the majority of the company's stocks." I explain to him frustrated.

"I understand fratellino, but we're only doing that because they're family friend. Besides, Nonno made the deal with them before we even knew about it." He says sighing tiredly.

"I know that. And it should've been you that's supposed to marry that witch." I say running my hands through my hair.

"Yes. But then I found the love of my life." He replies with a faraway look.

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