Chapter 5~ Movies or Shopping?

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Ahlam's POV

Looking at between Khay and the nurse, I just give her a wide smile and thank her for her help. Asking for the total amount that was paid, I write it down on my phone's notes.

"Thank you. Now may I please get the name and phone number for the person who paid for my medical bills?" I ask her.

"Oh, no problem darling. But he didn't leave any personal information. He only paid for it in cash. Is there anything else I can help you with?" she asks with a genuine smile.

"No, that's all but thank you very much." I reply.

"Now can we go please? I really wanna watch movies all day." Khay wines near me.

"I thought we were gonna get me a dog to keep me protected? So I don't ever have to end up in a hospital again?" I ask hiding the smile on my face.

Giving me the most deadly glare she could master, she scoffs and tells me to keep walking to the parking lot.

Just as I was about to make a comeback, my phone rings.

"Maybe it's that handsome man from last night." I hear Khay say before I answer the phone.

"Hello, may I speak with Ms. Al-Bakry?" a woman's voice asks from the other end.

"This is her and who is this?" I ask with confusion.

"Hello dear, my name is Donna Weyrich from Human resources at Macrolini Company. I'm calling to inform you that your pending application has been processed and that you're scheduled for an interview tomorrow at nine in the morning. Now we're going to need you to bring your resume with you when you come in. But first and for most, are you interested in this job?" she asks.

I take the phone away from my ear and look at it.

OK, just making sure that I wasn't being pranked.

"Hello, are you still there Miss?" she asks again through the phone.

"Yes, I'm sorry I'm still here and yes I'm still interested." I say grinning like an idiot.

"Alright. Hopefully I will see you there. You have a great day yourself Miss Al-Bakry." She says sounding very genuine.

"Thank you very much. You have a good day as well." As soon as I end the call, I let out a joyous squeal.

I start jumping up and down, too excited to care if I look crazy or not.

"Are you crazy? Or did you really hit your head that bad?" Khay says walking towards me.

I stopped and glared at her, but she's right. I bet I look like a crazy woman jumping up and down in front of the hospital entrance. I turn and look around to see if there are any doctors coming to get me. I don't wanna get admitted into a hospital by mistake.

"No, I am not crazy Khay. That was a call from a lady named Donna and she said that I have an interview tomorrow morning. So no I'm not crazy habibti. I'm just a girl whose dreams have turned to reality." I say smiling at her.

"Wait, you actually got a call back from one of those high paid jobs you applied to?" she asks with wide eyes.

Now why do I feel like a loser who couldn't even get a job like that before?

"Yes." I say slowly with a frown on my face.

"Oh, Ahli! I knew you would get a call back from one of those big shot companies. I knew you were more than qualified for that job at the café." she says grabbing my hands like she always does.

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