Chapter 19 ~ Secrets and Guilt

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Ahlam's POV

Shocked, Khay and I look at each with wide eyes.

Neither of us had the strength to speak, which lead to the call being disconnected.

I instantly recognized that voice from anywhere and I wish I never picked up the stupid phone, now he knows what Khay sounds like.

What the hell does he want from me? Was he the one calling me this entire time?

Still we haven't said anything as she drove past the busy streets of New York and straight to her house.

I guess we can forget about lunch then.

"Who was that?" Khay questions with concerned tone.

Shrugging my shoulders, I turn to the window. "I wish I knew. I've been getting calls like that for months now. Only this time, he actually spoke." I reply with so many thoughts running through my head.

I hate lying to her. Maybe it's time I told her the truth.

Shaking my head on second thought, I look down at the phone, waiting for it to ring any moment now.

"Well, he's someone who clearly knows who you are. And why did you even answer the phone if it said 'Unknown' caller?" she inquires with worried eyes.

Frustrated with myself and the fact that Khay keeps asking many unknown questions, really irritated me. I'm not telling her anything for her safety.

I know what he's capable of doing and she will never be safe if he ever finds out who she is.

"Khaula, I wish I knew who he is, and what the hell he wants from me. But the matter of the fact is, I don't know. I have doubts but I honestly don't think it's who I think it is." I reply firmly, avoiding eye contact with her.

Instead of her usual retorts, she just gives a me a weird look and walks past me to the front door.

Growling, I walk towards the front porch and sit.

Great, now I got a mad Khaula and a crazy man calling me.

"What are you doing, we got digging to do. Come in, I want to show you something." Khay exclaims from the door entrance.

Oh God, no.

Tired, I walk into the hosue. Honestly all I want to do, is sleep.

"How about we take a nap first. I need to let today wash over before we do one of your 'diggings.'

"No." was all she said as she grabbed a bottle of water and my medications, shoving it in my hand.

Looking at the water and pill bottle, I wonder where she was even keeping it.

"Hurry." I hear her yelling from the other side of the kitchen.

Speaking of yelling, I noticed how the house was quiet and no baby toys scattered around.

"Where's Safiya and the baby?" I asks as I placed the bottles on the counter.

"Visiting her family."

"How many siblings does she have?"

"Nine. And we have work to do. Let's go."

I groan in worldly as she's too focused to be distracted.

We take the stairs to her room and she goes straight into the closet, probably changing.

"I learned a trick back in high school on how to unmask private callers. Best thing he ever taught me." I hear her say form the closet.

Raising my brows, I scramble my brain to remember if she mentioned anyone from high school. Knowing she told me everything about her life, I can't come with a "HE".


"Ayyub, my high school crush. He taught me a few tricks, actually the reason why I studied MIT." Emerging from the closet in a loose maxi dress, she flops down on the bed with my phone in her nose.

"What are you doing?"

"Watch and see baby. This would be my first time trying to unmask a caller like this." She says to herself, too focused on the damn phone.

Laughing, I take off my clothes as well, leaving my tights and tank-top on. Loving the comfort already.

"You know there's more dresses and comfortable clothes through that little door, right?" Khay points to her closet with raised a brow.

"I'm tired and you have exactly two minutes to show me your little trick before I take my nap." I reply setting up her bed. Knowing that she will never find anything on him, I let her do her thing, while I come up with a solid plan.

She looks at me as if testing to see if I really would take a nap.

"I'm serious. Now down to a minute and a half." Was only reply as a pull the blankets from its made-up corners.

"Okay, let's work our magic then." Her attention back on the damn phone, I wait for her a little while before my eyes close involuntarily.

Shaken awake, I open my eyes to find Khay towering over me, my phone still in her hand.

Raising my brow, I pull the covers off and sit up. I turn to look up Khay standing over the bed with an angry look on her face.

"I'm sorry, I couldn't find anything on him." She says guiltly.

Feeling bad for the way she's feeling and the fact that I'm lying through my teeth, I scoot back up and let her sit next to me.

"it's alright. I just won't ever pick up my phone again from an unknown number." I reply.

"Maybe we should tell Khalid, he has the resources." Khay says, making my eyes widen at that.

"No. I don't want to involve any more people. It's just you and me, and that freaking creepy stalker. Alright? Promise me, you won't tell anyone." I ask her, afraid of what he might do if it's who I think it is.

Just how far do they plan on pushing me?

Closing my eyes, not only am I getting annoyed, but also pissed.

What the hell do they want from me? Especially him?

I'm tired of trying to keep low, what else must I do to convince them that I mean no harm? Hell, I even moved to the other side of the world.

Rolling my neck from side to side, I take a deep breath. Promising myself, that if he or they ever contact me again, I will make them pay for the shit they put me through.

He shouldn't have said anything on the phone, now not only do I know what he sounds like but remember who he is.


*Salaam everyone and RAMADAN KAREEM!!!!!

Please don't forget your prayer.*

Welcome my new followers and hello old friends!

I miss you all and writing... I really miss the characters and the story. I'm sorry that I have been MAI for a while. Life is just getting in the way of basically everything!

Anyways, I promise I will try to update regularly as much as I possibly can.

And to do that, I really need all my readers patients and support. Working 50+ hours a week is exhausting as well as school and life.

And now questions of the day?

1. Who do you think "HE/They" are?

2. And what would Ahlam be hiding?

AS always,

ENJOY, SHARE, AND COMMENT. I look forward to that the most about the story.

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