Making Friends the "Easy" Way🧑🏻🤝🏼👩🏻

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Izella and Esai's daughters name meaning and origin

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Izella and Esai's daughters name meaning and origin

Zarouhi is of Armenian origin and means "Princess"

"I made a white boy hit himself in the cracker!"  Marcus hears his wife say as she walks into the house he looks at her with a curious confused expression on his face and chuckles with a small smile "I got no pictures or video of it though sorry!"...

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"I made a white boy hit himself in the cracker!"  Marcus hears his wife say as she walks into the house he looks at her with a curious confused expression on his face and chuckles with a small smile "I got no pictures or video of it though sorry!"  she adds and he bursts out laughing "I stopped your cracker-heads boyfriend from knocking over Jax's Harley on the way to work my shift at Floyd's I may not know the boy all that well but I know how protective you all are of your precious bikes!"  she tells him as she walks over to him he chuckles then kisses her lips as she wraps her arms around his neck and she moans as his lips meet hers.... the next day Czarina walks into Chibs' hospital room Chibs smiles when he sees her and asks with a excitably happy tone "what are you doing here bòidheach!?!"  Czarina replies "I was just passing by after my appointment with my doctor and saw the nurses start to strip you and came to watch!"  Chibs laughs then asks "does your husband know about this?!"  she replies with a smile "who do you think brought me?! he always takes me everywhere when he's not busy with club stuff"  Marcus walks into the room from behind her with a smile on his face and stands at her side "be grateful he's smiling cause as soon as he hears you just called me beautiful he might just add to those sexy scars of yours!"  she tells Chibs Marcus laughs Chibs raises an eyebrow at the Mexican "oh he knows about my infatuation with scars and tattoos both of them together are a very dangerous combination in my world a complete and total turn on!"  Czarina teases Chibs chuckles Marcus kisses Czarina on the cheek then leaves the room so she could keep the Scott company for awhile and he didn't get caught hanging out with the frenemy of his crew Chibs ways surprised yet happy she not only came in but Marcus allowed her to stay "he trusts me more than I expected him too especially knowing who my family is"  she assures him and he nods with a smile "he also got pictures of me and Cobra during the blood drive everytime I was near someone in a way that could look like I was flirting with them"  she adds and he laughs "you should rest your head I'm sure all that laughing may have made you dizzy"  she says she kisses his forehead then says "I'll try to come back when I can he's got a Harley I ride when he can't take me anywhere.... contrary to popular belief I do have jobs of my own!"  he chuckles then watches her walk out of his room with a wave he sighs softly at the memory of her soft silky lips on his skin "yes I kissed his forehead no I won't tell you whether or not I liked it!"  Chibs hears Czarina say to who he believed must have been Marcus as soon as she walks out of his room and into the hallway and he bursts out laughing.... a few hours later Juice stops preparing to clean up the Crime Scene when he hears the sound of a unfamiliar Harley ride into Teller-Morrow with the added sound of familiar barking and he smiles then turns around just in time to see Czarina ride up into the parking lot with a dark van following her "thought you'd like some company"  Czarina says as she and the pups walk over to him she whistles lowly and Aušrinė and Nyx get into protective mode and growl at the officers who walk over and ask Juice "what the hell are you doing? this is a Crime Scene"  the pups growl at the two men as they get to close "ma'am could you calm your pups please and step away from the Crime Scene"  Czarina replies with a shrug "sorry no can do officers they aren't my pups and I don't know the commands yet.... first day pupsitting and I already suck at it!.... as for the Crime Scene I thought it was just the aftermath of a themed party they might have had last night"  Juice tries to hold back a chuckle as the officers asks "what are you doing here anyway?!"  she replies "getting my car fixed.... this IS a auto mechanics shop isn't it?!"  she looks at Juice who nods then finally realized that the annoyed officers were paying more attention to her than him not only that but they seemed too afraid to get too close after the pups growled at them and he gets back to work "or maybe I just came so I can stare at the mans ass.... it is a nice ass even when it's in overly baggy jeans!"  she adds the laughter Juice was trying to hold back came out through his lips and his body jerks slightly forward at the effort which brings the attention back to him Czarina looks at Juice and shrugs as she says "sorry J we tried"  he smiles and says "it's alright"  she tells him "if you got time after you get scolded we're going to be at the dog park for awhile, Marcus had business to take care of and I have the day off from my jobs so I'm quite bored at the moment"  Juice smile turns into a grin as he replies "yeah!.... I'd like that!.... as long as Alvarez doesn't try to kill me for it!"  she says "he knows you'll be there for the pups and we'll take pictures if we get too close"  he chuckles she waves then her and the pups head towards her husbands spare Harley and drive away and Juice's smile drops for now he had to figure out a new way to do what he was ordered to do he smiles again when he realized that she called him "J" and not Juice he shakes his head as he begins to wonder what she meant by "take pictures" but that was a thought he'll have to leave for later so he could ask her about it he laughs when he hears one of the officers ask the other "didn't she say she was getting her car fixed!?!"....

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