Don't Let The Bass Drop

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[Neon was relaxing on the couch, when he heard music from somewhere else]


Papi:Neon! Neon! There's a music festival!Let's go see it!

Neon:Sure, not having anything important to do anyways.

[Miia heard that and sighed placing her hand on the forehead]

Miia:Of course you don't...


Miia:Just saying, you're blander than my food, as the others claim.

Papi:Miia, do you wanna go?

Miia:Sure, should I get the others?

Papi:Sure thing!

[Miia went to the others to see if they want to come,of course they do and they went. Each girl went to their respective nationalities music. Neon went to a daft punk concert just to see Ms. Smith and MON]


Ms.Smith:Oh hey Neon. Fancy seeing you here

Neon:How come you're here?

Ms.Smith:Zombina & Doppel

Neon:Oh... The show's about start

[The DJ appeared on the scene completely covered in shadows and he starts the music]

Neon:Huh, sounds oddly familiar.

[He then realised why the music sounds familiar]

Neon:Oh no...

Lord Decibel:OK guys, now give me 100,000,000 ¥ in 10 minutes, if the goal isn't hit I'll burst your brains out~!

Neon:Not happening Lord Decibel!

[The face on his helmet changed to a surprised expression]

Lord Decibel:You?!How?!

Neon:Eh, just appearing in the places where bad guys like you are

[The surprised expression changed to a angry one]

Lord Decibel:No matter, I'll deal with you yet!

Neon:Dude, I kicked your punk butt once and I 'll do it again

Lord Decibel:I got a trick up my sleeve this time though!


[He generated a sonic force field around the scene,the face on his helmet changed to a smug expression, then he shot some sound blasts which made him go flying into the Greek music part]



[He got up but albeit a bit wobbly]

Neon:OK, he got smarter since the last time...What can I use to defeat him?

Miia:I should've knew something will happen...Just a thought, maybe get an alien that can resist sound.

[He nodded and pressed the Omnitrix. He turned into a werewolf-like alien with grey fur, a long flowing mane, and a large bushy tail with four sharp claws on each hand and three claws on each foot. He wears a black and green uniform with green wristbands, he wears the Omnitrix symbol on a collar around his neck, he growled and howled]


Miia:A werewolf alien?

Nightwolfer:Loboan actually. It's like how Papi has an alien counterpart.

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