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[The episode starts with Neon and MON reviewing any kind of emergency messages, Zombina groaned in boredom at that]

Zombina:Why can't Ms.Smith do this!? It's horribly boring!

Neon:Chill out, we only got like 20 left.

Zombina:That's 20 too many for me!

[They came upon a distress call from a high-ranking MON member who got stranded on a toxic planet and it was recent too, that riled Zombina up]

Zombina:Finally some action~!

Neon:Calm down, first we need the antidote which luckily just recently arrived.

Zombina:Well...Where is it?

[The scene changes to a hangar with what appears to be a caged light purple alien spider with six legs and three dark purple stripes on its body. Each leg has two dark purple claws each. It has four eyes, two smaller ones above the bottom large ones. It has nine teeth, three on the top jaw and six on the bottom jaw, the two outer lower teeth are tusk like. It has two strips of cream fur on the lower jaw which tried to bite a MON employee]

Neon:Fresh venom from that.

Doppel:Is this Rachnera's lost cousin?

Neon:You do know Miia would kill you if she was here, right?

Doppel:But she isn't, soooo~

Zombina:We got the antidote, so let's go~!

Neon:But we have a problem, the planet where the MON member is stranded on is in Meduze territory.


Neon:Oh nothing much, you know the jellyfish looking species who is extremely aggressive, who hates Earth cause it has me as its biggest hero. Totally they will not just start shooting at us the moment they found out our ship belongs to MON.

Manako:...I know somebody that can get us there.

Neon & Zombina:You do?

[The scene changes to a bar where Manako was talking to a Backbeard, a subspecies of Monoeye which definitely didn't looked the friendliest, especially with the continous stink eye she had plastered on her face]

Mono:The name's Darkness...Mono Darkness

Neon:Why are we getting an insomniac preteen to help us?


[That made Mono to glare at him more, Zombina smacked him while Manako started apologizing to Mono]

Mono:You'll pay me extra for that...My ship is parked nearby.

Zombina:Nice going Flamehead!

Neon:Not my fault she's so sensitive about herself!

[They boarded Mono's ship, a pink holographic popped out of the board, due to its similarity to OTTO that made Zombinac to pull her guns out]

Neon:Zombina! Put your guns down.

Mono:That's my ship monitor, Pyxi.


Manako:Ummm...Do you know what it said?

Mono & Neon:It asked if you pay a lot.

Zombina:Ohh don't tell me you know computer language....

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