Good Copy, Bad Copy

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[The episode starts in a warehouse around midnight, screams and grunts were heard as workers ran away from something. White laser with multicolored accents were shot by none other than... Chromastone?!]

Chromastone:Come back here you maggots!

[Chromastone eyed a random worker and shot at his feet causing him to trip and fell down, Chromastone approached him and reverted back to Neon]

Worker:W-what got into you?! You're supposed to protect us from threats!

Neon:Tsk, protecting you lowly lifeforms which are a irritations to the universe? I highly doubt so.

[Neon grabbed the worker by his collar and got him close to his face]

Neon:Now, tell me where's Neon Skye or you really don't want to know what's coming next.

[The worker's eyes widen in fear and shock as the screens fades away in black. The scene switches to another Neon which was talking to his adoptive mothers over the phone]

Neon:Yes mom, I'll not forget about our dinner, mhmm, I'll not get in trouble with any psychopath.

[He hung up and stretched softly and strangely felt a small chill on his spine like someone is dragging his name through the mud, but he simply shook it off]

Neon:That... Was strange, but eh, time to binge watch Verdant Rangers seasons 1-2.

[Meanwhile the Neon which attacked the warehouse was eating at a fastfood place which served spicy food, but after his expression, he didn't enjoy one bit, but he kept shoving it in his mouth]

Neon:What's with his cravings?! Why I got them from him, it feels that I lick a Pyronite continously!

[After he finished, he threw the food tray in the trash in anger, growling and to grit his teeth as he looks at his hands which still had hot sauce on them]

Neon:I hate this, it feels like I'm in a never ending nightmare, but soon it'll be over after I find Skye.

[He looked around before licking the hot sauce off his fingers. The scene changed to MON which heard about the whole warehouse attack]

Zombina:What got into him?!

Doppel:He better have a good explanation!

Tio:Oh boy... I thought he was a good guy.

Manako:I-I'm sure he has an explanation.

Tio:Maybe he needs to lay eggs again.

Zombina:But if it isn't that, I swear to God I'll knock him cold once and for all, he's always so smug and... Aghhh!

Doppel:Gee, hit a nerve in you?

Zombina:You bet! He's always "Ehh, I helped you! Ehh, my alien heroes kick their butts! Ehh, I can be an annoyance to y'all cause I'm the wielder of the Omnitrix!"

Manako:You had to use that tone?

Zombina:I can't make fun of him if I didn't used it.

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