Shock from the Past

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[The episode starts with a flashback of Neon at the age of 11. A Nosedeenian entered a new shop in Neon's childhood city and started to destroy things]

Neon:Hey! I know you're very far away from your house, but please stop destroying stuff.

[The Nosedeenian looked at him and just laughed as he launched a electric beam at him. Neon immediately dodged]

Neon:Fine! No more good guy Neon!

[He pressed the Omnitrix and he turned into Arctiguana.

11 Year old Arctiguana looked identical to his 21 year old counterpart, except he has white spots near his fingers, he doesn't have a chest and stomach shell, causing his gills to be shown. His eyes are connected by a black stripe, he has spikes on his face, and the Omnitrix symbol is located on his left wrist]


[The Nosedeenian looked at him for a bit before starting to laugh again and starts to shock him]

Arctiguana:Yaahh! Hey, it hurts!

[He started to use his ice breath in attempt to freeze the Nosedeenian, which dodged in response]

Arctiguana:Your species is irritating! You know that?!

[The Nosedeenian snickers in response only to get cut in half by a concentrated ice blade]

Arctiguana:There, you forced my hand and-You gotta be kidding me.

[The halves grew in two Nosedeenians which started laughing and resume making a mess while Arctiguana timed out]

Neon:Come on! How can I stop them now while the watch is on cooldown.

[He saw two empty cups, he grabbed them and placed the Nosedeenians inside]

Neon:Gotcha! Now to send you ho-whoa!

[The Nosedeenians inside dragged him around ,until he got outside the shop, suddenly tons of Nosedeenians came out of the cups]

Neon:What the Antivoid?! How can I fix that!? Wait... I know!

[He pressed the Omnitrix and turned into Feedback.

11 Year old Feedback looked identical to his older counterpart, except he's less muscular, his chest is white and has round plugs]

Feedback:Time for Feedback! Now any last words before bedtime~!?

[Only laughs were heard coming from them, Feedback shrugged and started to absorb the electricity from them which caused all Nosedeenians to fall asleep and slowly land on the ground]

Feedback:Hero of heroes, that's me~!

[He winked, fast-forward to present day, Neon came late for a meeting at the base's hangar]

Ms.Smith:You're late.

Neon:Saving the universe.

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