Love Cube [Season 4]

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[It was a Friday night, and Rachnera and Miia were on a date at the cinema...Which Neon and Draco decided to tag along and it was almost perfect...Almost]

Draco:Such a beautiful idea for a date, question tho...Why is she here?

[Draco asked Neon, cause Papi was also there...Standing between them, the harpy was glue to the movie screen, also the question made Neon sweat]

Neon:Ummm...I couldn't refuse those puppy dog eyes she gave me, how about we focus on the movie?

Rachnera:You really suck at being romantic, do ya? You're trying to play the slow game. Sometimes you need you need to go for it~!

[Rachnera grabbed Miia's face and started making out with her, that made Draco blush and tried to do the same with Neon, the latter saw her and tried to do same...And they both kissed Papi's cheeks instead]

Papi:Yay~! Papi feels so loved~!

Draco:(Oh come on! This birdbrain...)

[Miia chuckled at the kissing failure in front of her only to observe lizards roaming the cinema and pickpocketing from the audience]

Miia:Psst,Flamehead! Pickpocketing lizards!

Neon:Shh! Miia you know we're watching a sentai movie, not a crime one,right?

Miia:I'm not talking about the movie you living candle! Lizards pickpocketing the audience!

[Miia grabbed his head and made him look to see lizards ranging from geckos to iguanas stealing wallets and other valuables]

Neon:Hey, that one just stole the guy in front of me's wallet. Come on, Rachnera. What are you just sitting there for?

[Rachnera groaned as she and Neon pursued the reptiles, leaving Miia,Papi and Draco alone]

Draco:Welp, this date just got ruined...

Miia:Well, my Rachnee will definitely tie the culprit in a very amazing and elegant way.

Papi:Well, Neon will turn into an amazing alien to kick their butt~!

Draco:You know, those things sound even more interesting than watching a movie for the next 2 hours.

[The girls with excited expressions got outside with Neon and Rachnera just to see one of the lizards giving the wallet to the culprit...And it was a Lizardfolk high-school girl...?]

Lizardfolk:Ugh, Neon Skye... And the associates.

Rachnera:Neon, do you know her?

Neon:Never saw her in my life, ummm, kid, do you want me to call your parents?

Lizardfolk:I'm not a kid! I'm the fierce Lizzy-Chan!

Draco:Ok, from what anime did you crawled from? You look like a typical magical girl.

Miia:In the name of the lizards, I will punish you~!

[Miia did a mock Sailor Moon pose, that made everyone to laugh, except for Lizzy-Chan who got red in embarrassment and growled in anger at them]

Neon:Ahh,I didn't laughed so good in such a long time~ also don't know worry guys, I'll turn into any of my flying aliens and she and her pets will run back from whatever anime they came from.

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