Have I got a Deal for You?

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[The episode starts with Papi shopping, when she heard crowd nearby, of course out of curiosity she went there]

Papi:Hey, what's going on?

[She then saw Neon as a black humanoid lizard with one green eye in the middle of his head, two antennae and a tail with square plugs on their tips, four-fingered hands, and feet with only two front toes. He also has gold battery bolts on his shoulders, arms, and his hips and a green cloth on his chest. The Omnitrix is located on his chest. He was fighting a robotic enemy]

Papi:Neon? What's going on?

Feedback:Hey Papi, just the usual~

Robot:Give me the Omnitrix boy!

Feedback:Yeah, sure~ sure~

[The Robot suddenly threw an energy axe at him]

Papi:Look out!

[Feedback grabbed the energy axe and absorbed the electricity out of it]


[He then shot an electricity blast at the robot, unknown to them a Prismosapien was in the crowd looking at the fight]

Robot:It's not the last time we met Omnitrix wielder!

[He scuttled away and Feedback timed out, the Prismosapien then approached them]


Papi:Hi? It's your brother Neon?

Neon:Never saw this guy in my life.

Prismosapien:Oh! Where are my manners! I'm Prizz and I clearly know my fellow Prismosapien that you need a bottle of my miracle elixir.

Papi:What's that?

Prizz:Allow me to demonstrate.

[Prizz went to a crowd alongside his henchman which was a grey rocky alien with blue accents and multiple blue eyes]

Prizz:Ladies and gentlemen, allow me to demonstrate the effects of my miracle elixir!

[Prizz starts pouring the elixir on his henchman's head, everyone including Neon & Papi rose a brow]

Prizz:Wait for it...

[Suddenly the henchman grows a full head of hair, that amazed the crowd and Papi, but made Neon skeptical]

Papi:Wow~! That was amazing~!

[The crowd still there each purchase a bottle, but that made Neon grew more skeptical]

Papi:But what happens if you drink it?

Neon:Papi, he maybe be a Prismosapien, but don't trust him.

Prizz:How about you come to my shop to find out.

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