Food Around The Corner

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[A ship is seen flying on a red somewhat crusty planet with what appears to have strange black spots on it, from the ship a flea-like aliens known as the Hulex emerge, with drill tanks also coming from the ship]

Hulex Worker:Mr. Colonel, Sir!

Hulex Colonel:Seems like a good spot to start drilling. I claim this planet in the name of the Hulex!

[One of the workers gave him a flag which he stuck in the planet surface]

Water Hazard:Yeouch!

[The planet Hulex were on... Isn't a planet but Neon turned into Water Hazard]

Ms. Smith :Are you ok?

Water Hazard: I felt something on me, possibly the two Galvans! How long does it take!?

Iull-Yan :Hey, we're trying to put the Life-Form Lock Microchip in the Omnitrix.

Onu-Tuu: So don't go blaming us.

Miia :What's happening anyways?

Water Hazard :I need to make sure the Orishans and Cascans to sign a peace treaty.

Miia :Should I question why?

Water Hazard:Orishans like Water Hazard hail from Kiusana which is an arid planet. Cascans tried to flood it for some reason.

Miia:And are you sure being an Ori-whatever would help?

Water Hazard:I highly doubt the room is big enough for Gravattack.

Iull-Yan:Aaandd done.

Water Hazard:Are you sure it'll work? I hope it doesn't fry the Omnitrix or turns me into something else.

Onu-Tuu:We're 80% sure.

Water Hazard:That 20% scares me.

[A Hulex Worker started drilling, causing itching for Water Hazard which started scratching]

Miia:Don't tell me you're nervous itching.

Water Hazard:I just felt something on me OK?

[Water Hazard enters the conference room waiting for the ambassadors]

Papi:Papi feels bad for him cause he's itching.

Cerea:Everyone could get itching, so don't worry about him, he'll be fine.

Papi :Suu can't get itchy.

Cerea:You get what I said and-Oh they came.

[The doors opened and reveals 2 ambassadors for Orishans and 2 for Cascans]

Water Hazard:Hello s-sirs.

[His eyes twitched from more itching and he was sweating]

Bivalvan:Atleast the diplomat is a good species.

Hydronn:Hmphh, it could've been better if he was a Cascan.

Korrann:Could you shut for a moment?!

Water Hazard:Hey, how about we sit down and have this conference in peace.

[Water Hazard slightly scratched his right shoulder, thankfully no one saw]

Flowtann:Yes, so we can finish this talk with these oversized crustaceans.

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