Collect This

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[The episode starts in the town where Neon, Papi & Suu were playing soccer with the group of kids Papi & Suu hangs out with]

Neon:Ok, this is the decisive shot Papi, we're both at the same score as Suu's team.

Papi:Papi understands.

Suu:You two will lose! Suu's team is going to win.

Neon:Let's brush that smirk off her face.

Papi:Ok, we don't have a brush tho...

Neon:Papi! Whatever....

[Neon stretched and pressed the Omnitrix.

He turns into a tall slender and somewhat creepy feline-like alien with purple fur. He wears a black shirt with a big green arrow pointing downwards to his belt. He wears black pants, his fur specifically on his lower arms is spiky. He has black fur around his eyes which looks like a mask, his eyes are green with black slit pupils. He has two sharp canines sticking out of his lower jaw.

The Omnitrix is located on his chest]


Suu:Hey! That's cheating!

Fasttrack:I don't remember there was any rule in soccer which say you're not allowed to transform into aliens.

Papi:Oh yeah, Papi remembers there isn't one.

[Fasttrack took possession of the ball and starts dodging every kid in Suu's team, before getting in front of the gate]

Fasttrack:That's going to easy peasy~

[Fasttrack kicked the ball in the air, the goalkeeper looked at it sweating, Fasttrack jumped and high jump kicked the ball, the goalkeeper got afraid and dodged]


Papi:Yay~! Papi's team won~!

[Fasttrack timed out and Neon was about to hug Papi, but remembering that they are in public they quickly changed to a fist bump]

Suu:You're cheaters you know that?

Neon:Come on Suu, could you please don't be salty?

Suu:Suu's thirsty.

Papi:Papi too!

Neon:Alrighty, let's get some drinks, hey kids, nice game.

[The kids smiled and waved at them as they left, on their way to the nearest vending machine, suddenly bank's alarm went off]

Neon:Ugh,always trouble... How about we leave it in the hands of the cop-And there's Prizz's henchman....

[Prizz's henchman Stakks exits the bank with two sacks of money, he was wearing numerous masks due to his amount of eyes]

Neon:Should know Prizz isn't to be trusted, it's her-What the!?

[A muscular version of Neon appeared. He wears a purple T-shirt with white and black markings and silver armor, with Omnitrix symbols decorating the armor. He has two sharp claws on his gauntlet,he has the Omnitrix symbol on the top of his gauntlet and two smaller Omnitrix symbols on each side of the gauntlet.He has black markings giving the appearance of a comic book]

"Neon":It's payback time!

Neon:I can't believe my eyes...

[Papi was blushing hard and she was steamy at the sight of the other Neon]

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