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[While Zombina and Neon had their adventure, the girls were relaxing]

Miia:Ahhh~No alien activities to disturb us ~

Papi:Couldn't go wrong~


[Cerea was cleaning one of her swords, something was lurking outside looking at them. After a bit, Mero was swimming by herself when she felt something in there with her]


[Something had almost chomped her, but she dodged it]

Mero:S-show yourself!

[It was giant lizard which has a white, black and red color scheme, it has a black head which dons a white patch on each side of its head. Located on these, it has four red eyes, two on one side, and two on the other.It has sharp teeth and the gums protrude in lower jaw.It has a row of red spikes running down its back, which also has a black stripe. It has four legs and black feet, each ending in three red claws, and a tail with a red-marked tip. Curiously it wears a red collar with what appears to something similar to the Omnitrix]

Mero:Actually... Can you dive back down please...

[It charges again, but Mero was able to get out of the pool]

Mero:Anybody help!

[The creature grabbed her and dragged her back in, but something grabbed the creature out. It was a dark purple rock being with black markings over his body. He has 5 magenta clawed fingers. He has three spikes on each shoulder and arm, as well as one on each knee and two on the sides of his head, his face has a magenta chin that resembles a mouth guard. A magenta spike that resembles a horn and one green eye. She observed the Omnitrix symbol on his right pectoral]

Mero:N-Neon... Is that you?

Rock Alien:Hey Stinkfly Gourmet!

[He punched the creature in the face, causing the latter to hiss at him]

Chromastone:Oh, just in case you didn't heard me.... Chromastone!

[He shoot a white beam with multicolored accents at the creature, causing it to get slammed against the wall, It hissed at him before seeing Rachnera and charging to her]

Rachnera:What the?!

[She quickly tied the creature up, but the creature breathed a yellow gas from its mouth which melted the webs and jumped on Rachnera]

Chromastone:Oh no you don't!

[He grabbed it by the neck, in response the creature backs up and slammed him in a wall, but he still had his arms around the neck. But the creature's eyes widen and started to hiss and foam formed in its mouth]

Chromastone:Uh oh...

[The creature started to hit its own head against the wall, but both it and Chromastone timed out as the same time]

Neon:Huh? What the?!

[In the creature's place there was a guy which looked like clearly a hobo]

Neon:Dude... Are you alright-?!

[But the guy disappeared before his very own eyes]

Neon:Who was that...?

Miia:Don't ask us!

[Meanwhile in a unknown location, a black figure with one eye was visibly irritated by the failure]

One-Eyed Figure:I knew it the human couldn't withstand the Nemetrix!Even after all the modifications I made!

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