Spin to Win

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[The episode starts in MON headquarters' training room, Neon as Diamondhead was shooting his crystal shards at Zombina which rolled behind a pillar]

Zombina:Is that all you got rock-head~?

Diamondhead:Heh, just warming up.

[He then timed out, Neon started stretching and at that moment Manako and the others came in with water]

Tio:You two have been training for a few hours now.

Neon:Just honing my ranged skills, pretty much I already turned into Heatblast, Jetray, Water Hazard and latest being Diamondhead.

[Doppel looked to see the burn marks on the training room's walls, then other markings from the neuroshocks and then the water puddles alongside the Petrosapien crystal shards embedded into the pillars]

Zombina:Phew! OK, break is over~

Neon:OK Omnitrix,give me something good!

Zombina:I bet it's Walkatrout~

[Zombina snickered, causing Neon to roll his eyes and to not look at what alien he was selecting.He turns into a humanoid alien which what appears to wear plate-armor boots, chestplate, and a helmet which covered his entire head  except his neck which is shown to be completely black, all of his armor has at least some green accents.The most unique feature is that instead of arms he has maces. The maces have at least 10 spikes in total each, 2 on each side, and having a total of 5 sides and a singular spike on top of each mace. The Omnitrix is located on his chest directly in the middle of a green cross-shaped symbol]

Alien:Oh great, look what have you done Zombina, you distracted me and now I'm...Whatever this is.

Zombina:Atleast you're cool looking, maybe it's time for some melee training~

Alien:Fine...But be ready, I have no clue what this guy can do.

[The alien jumped at her and tries to hit her with his mace hands, but misses every single swing, he lost his balance falling on his back]

Doppel:So this guy's ability is that he's missing every shot?

Alien:It felt like my arms were purposely avoiding Zombina...

Tio:How about you try other ways, maybe that would work.

[Then the alien tried everything, from just thrusting his arms forward, to lunging, even headbutting, nothing worked]

Doppel:Boo, you suck!

Alien:You're not helping!

[Alien got angry which made him start to spin around ,that actually surprisingly helped, his swings actually managed to smack Zombina around]

Zombina:Mace Spinner! That's a great name!

Mace Spinner:That's actually a pretty amazing nam-Whoa!

[He starts to spin faster, but that made him lose balance and starts to hit the floor looking like he's doing breakdance, that made Doppel to laugh]

Doppel:Should we get a boombox for ya, MC Buckethead~?

Mace Spinner:Not funny! For the love of Multiverse turn me back already!

[Zombina approached him to press the Omnitrix for him only to get her head smacked away from her body, but luckily the Omnitrix timed out on itself]

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