OTTO Motives

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[The episode begins on the planet Khoros, home to Four Arms's species, the Tetramands. The girls' mothers accompanied Zombina for a car show]

Lara:Remind me...Why did we accompany her?

Magenta (Suu's mother):She said it's going to be fun...But I definitely don't understand what's so fun about cars.

Zombina:They are! They give you unlimited charisma~

Athena (Cerea's mother):I didn't needed a car to win my wife's heart.

Diana (Cerea's other mother):She's telling the truth Ms.Zombina.

Zombina:Well, times changed~

Brigid:Why you want to photograph alien cars?

Zombina:Because they are cool!Just look at that one~!

[She pointed at a car made out of taydenite that made her to start drooling, the mothers got disgusted and they went to check the other stands in the plaza]

Zombina:So sparkly~Maybe I could convince them to give it to me for free~

[She then saw a robot with a holographic pink face having two horns, eyebrows, and two ear-like figures connecting to his head's outline. His eyebrows are shaped such as to spell out the name 'OTTO' along with his eyes. He has a small robotic body with two thin robot arms with pincers like Brainstorm, he was carried by a guy wearing a purple mask giving the appearance of a sack. That made her burst in laughter due to her believing the robot is a baby]

Zombina:Is that a baby~?! Who's a good wittle wobot~?

[She started petting him, that caused him to growl and scowl as the guy carrying her to push her back]

Violet Offender 1:Stay away from boss!

Zombina:You mean his son?

OTTO:Who do you call baby you flesh puppet?!

Zombina:First off, that was rude and second off, aren't you a bit young to use that rude language~?

[OTTO started growling and got his holographic face redder making him look even more like an angry baby throwing a tantrum]

Zombina:Ok, I won't talk to you anymore...You angy baby~

OTTO:You'll pay for insulting me!

Zombina:Aww, what would you then, hit me with your little robot

[OTTO tapped his pincers together, that made the other Violet Offender escorting him to pull out a blaster and started shooting in the air,causing the crowd to panic, that made the mothers to return to Zombina]

Adeline (Rachnera's mother):What have you done?!

Zombina:Ummm,nothing too bad?

Chroma (Suu's other mother):Why do I think you're trying to make the situation look less bad than it actually is?!

[The Violet Offenders took OTTO in one of the cars, before speeding off, Zombina sweated and chuckled nervously as the mothers glared at her]

Zombina:Fine, fine...I may just insulted a robot thinking he was a baby, but it ain't that bad!

Sireen:Just call Neon already...

Zombina:Do I need tho...He'll yell at me cause of it...

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