Neon Again

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[The episode begins with young Frankenstrike battling someone

Young Frankenstrike looks identical to his future counterpart but he's shorter, he has a mullet, he has a scar on his left upper arm, right shoulder, and above his left eye.

The Omnitrix is located on a white belt around his waist working like a belt clasp]

Frankenstrike:Seriously? Your name is Eon? Like E-yawn!

[Eon was a pale and scarred Prismosapien which after appearance he can't ignite his head. He wears a black and purple bodysuit and a silver collar that covers his entire neck, he has a silver gauntlet on his left arm and boots, but there are also silver shoulder pads on his black jacket. He wears a black helmet with its purple visor]

Eon:Do not underestimate me young one!

Frankenstrike:Dude, don't call me young one, that's creepy.

Eon:Tell me where he is you insolent brat before I turn your precious Omnitrix into dust!

[8 years in the future, Neon as Astrodactyl fought Eon too, in a similar location curiously enough]

Astrodactyl:Really Eon? No time rays, that's lame for you, the self-proclaimed "Time Hunter"

Eon:The only thing ever predictable about me, is that I'm unpredictable!

[He attacked Astrodactyl with a time blade which came out of his left gauntlet which was countered by Astrodactyl's whip]

Astrodactyl:Unpredictable, but lame! Now time to show you how a real blade looks like~

[He suddenly timed out, causing Eon to smirk and clap slowly]

Neon:Alright, how about we talk like civilised Prismosapiens, how about that?

Eon:I'm not the type of person to talk things out, most importantly that your Omnitrix timing out is the moment I was waiting for.

[Eon shot the Omnitrix, causing energy crackles to came out, shocking Neon in the process causing him to get unconscious, when he woke up...]

Neon:Guh? What happened... Also why the place looks so different yet familiar.

[He looked at his wrist to see the Omnitrix looked more like the pre-recalibrated version he has until he became 15]

Neon:What is with you? First you turned me into Astrodactyl instead of Diamondhead.Now you're transforming yourself to look all retro?

Eon:That's curious....

Neon:You're still here! For the love of Multiverse Omnitrix work!

[Neon pressed the Omnitrix and he turned into Ditto

Ditto had a different outfit, his jumpsuit is completely black, except some parts where is white and he looks like he wears long fingerless gloves. His head fins are white

The Omnitrix symbol is still located on his forehead]

Ditto:Ditto! Huh, retro outfit too, I mean I don't mind.

[He duplicated and all the clones dogpiled on Eon where are clones starts hitting him, until he disappeared, causing all the clones to get away to look at the empty spot]

Ditto 2:Where'd he go? I don't suppose we pummeled him into oblivion?

Ditto 3:Don't ask me, I was doing the same thing as you and the others being punch the time travelling psychopath.

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