Forever Road

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Neon:Zombina, are you sure Miia's mother lives in this neighbourhood, we've been walking for a few hours now.

Zombina:I'm 100% sure.

Neon:Have you met her?


Neon:Then why are we following you to nowhere!?

Zombina:Chill out, luckily we have a translator with us.


Neon:Alright, ask someone.

[Manako nodded and start asking people around while Neon checked the Omnitrix in case of any dimensional glitches]

Zombina:They didn't teached you French in alien school?

[Neon glared at her and sourly answered]

Neon:No, they didn't.

Manako:Got an address, also infos on a upcoming race.

Neon:Let me guess, Zombina would want to participate isn-

Zombina:Oh Antivoid yeah! Let's go flamehead~!


[After a few minutes they arrived at a grey house with a dark blue roof, Neon decided to knock]

Neon:Are you sure this is the right address?

Manako:Mhmm, Mrs.Senné is the only Long Legs Arachne with Lamia daughters.

Neon:I should never ask how Miia and her sister got conceived when they have totally different species parents.

[The door opened by none other than Miia who had her eyes closed]

Miia:Sorry, but Valentine's Sewing is closed today, please come back at a later da-Neon!?

Neon:Eyyy Miia, what's up?

Miia:What are you doing here!? Especially when I didn't invited you!

Zombina:What!? You invited us!

Miia:Well, cause I didn't find you in the base I take my invitations for you back.

Neon:Not our fault we tot stuck in the Null Void... It's just Zombina's.

Zombina:Ahhh, shut up!

Neon:Make me you undead bas-

Miia:Both of you stop it!

[Neon & Zombina remained silent, but still glaring at eachother]

Miia:You two are idiots....

Zombina:Come on babe...

Miia:Don't "Come on babe" me, I love you, but you're pretty reckless.

???:Miia, qui est à la porte?

Miia:Ma petite amie zombie stupide, le reste de MON et Neon.

Valentine:Oh, bonjour, je suis Valentine Senné, la mère de Miia.

[Valentine looked almost exactly like Rachnera... Except the grey and blue shoulder-length hair, the black beret, the blue eyes and the white sweater with the french flag on the the chest area. Her exoskeleton was bright pink and her spider legs were longer and had blunt tips]

Manako:Oh, bonjour, je suis Manako. Ce sont mes partenaires Zombina, Tio et Doppel. C'est un plaisir de rencontrer la maman de notre petite amie.

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