Spirits and Reapers

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[The episode starts with Neon just buying an ice cream, minding his own business, he remembers the fact Lala informed everybody that her mothers, respectable dullahans will come to visit. Of course the nearby bank alarm caught his attention]

Neon:Are you kidding me? I wanted to enjoy a cold treat and they just... Ugh... Fine, time to go alien.

[Unknown to him, Lala's mothers Brigid and Aeiaei were in the park. They looked identical to their daughter except the hair color for Brigid was black with cyan streaks, while Aeiaei's was black with crimson]

Aeiaei:Isn't that the boy Lala told us about?

Brigid:Hmmm...Fire head, wears black and purple, looks so done with life... Yes, it's him.

[Neon scrolled through his transformations until he chose one and pressed. He turned into a ghost-like alien with a somewhat gaseous appearance with greenish-white shading on his skin. He has green chains all over his front side which lead to his neck, waist, and center/chest, giving him the appearance of being contained in a straitjacket, but with his arms out freely which has green cuffs. The Omnitrix symbol is located at the center of his chains]


[His voice was faint and whispery but somewhat high pitched giving definitely chills to anyone]

Aeiaei:A ghost!

Brigid:We should've expected bumping into a relentless spirit, we can't allow this fiend to possess Lala's friend.

[Ghostfreak floated above the thieves]

Thief:What is that?!

[Black tentacles with purple stripes bursted from underneath of Ghostfreak's skin horrifying the thieves]

Ghostfreak:Let's get over this quickly, my ice cream will melt soon and I don't want to spend anymore... Atleast for now.

[He launched the tentacles and they coiled around the thieves, they felt cold and devoided of life. Ghostfreak softly smacked the thieves heads together getting them unconscious]

Ghostfreak:Okie, now let's put you down and call the police to pick ya up.

[He looked behind to see the Dullahan ladies walking towards him, he remembered what Lala told him about their appearance, so he clearly recognised them]

Ghostfreak:Hello ma'ams, you must be Lala's mot-!

Aeiaei:Drop the facade you disgusting spirit!

Ghostfreak:Hey... That wasn't nice...Whoa, Whoa, Whoa!

[He exclaimed as he saw them approaching with their scythes]

Brigid:You have two choices ghost, you leave this boy free or to stay still so we can send you to the afterlife.

Ghostfreak:I'm not an actual ghost! I'm an alien!

Aeiaei:Alien ghosts! It got worse, so you chose the second option.

Ghostfreak:Ummm...Behind you! There's a ghost that shows you the middle finger!

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