For a Few Brains More

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[Previously on Neon 10...A montage of the main events of the last episode were shown including Neon waking up in Abyss' hunting grounds, MON and his mothers getting bombarded by Negative's drones and lastly the last scene showing Azmuth]


[Suddenly Abyss' Panuncians split into more and jumped onto Neon and his team pinning them down to the floor while snarling at them]

Neon:What's the game plan, Azmuth? The smartest guy in the six galaxies must have a thousand contingency plans in place!

Azmuth:Contingency plans? I don't have times for those also three,arguably five galaxies, not six.

Ultimate Negative:First thinker, I know you are wondering why I brought you here.

Azmuth: If you are going to go in detail, for goodness sake, be brief!

Ultimate Negative:Fine,briefly: I have built a cerebral vortex. I shall drain Azmuth's mental abilities and use them augment my own ultimate Galvanic Techidez mind. Why... with my hyper-evolved brain combined with Azmuth's.

Neon:You're going to be as smart as Azmuth.

Azmuth:This is just the sort of thing that got you fired, and I'm afraid you haven't thought this through thoroughly.

Ultimate Negative:Shut it! Don't you dare talk down to me, first thinker!

[Ultimate Negative started the machine, causing electricity to shock Azmuth, causing him to grunt in pain much to Neon and the others' horror, meanwhile Negative and Abyss smirked]

Ultimate Negative:Also, I wasn't fired...I quit~!

Neon:Azmuth no!

[After the machine finished the process, Azmuth's body felt like a ragdoll in Abyss' hands and a green orb appeared which started talking in Azmuth's voice]

Abyss:Now, who wants a treat~?

[The girl broke free and Neon turned into Water Hazard which shot Ultimate Negative and Abyss with water blasts before grabbing the orb and Azmuth's body and ran away]

Ultimate Negative:No! My brain!

[Ultimate Negative turned into Negative Spitter,Negative Spitter has mainly a cararra colored body with black accents while the head, back, and tail are copen blue, he grabbed Abyss and started using his spit jet so to chase after Neon and his team]

Water Hazard:I think we got far enough, great...They separated Azmuth's brain from his body.

Zombina:That's why he looks all goofy and asking me to pull his finger, which by the way...I'll totally do it~

[Water Hazard pressed the Omnitrix and reverted back to Neon which held Azmuth's body and brainsphere]

Neon:Good news Galvans have a secondary brain in case something happens to their main one...Bad news even the dumbest species is smarter than him.

Sonia:Other bad news! They found us!

[Sonia pointed at Negative Spitter and Abyss reaching them,which the former went ultimate.He became quadrupedal, he got more unique black markings, grew thousands of tiny spikes on his skin and spiked fins on his back. His teeth got curved and needle shaped]

Ultimate Spitter:Give me the brain, you organic scum!

[He shots pufferfish-shaped spit balls at them which at the impact created acidic geysers, that forced our heroes to separate, Neon with Zombina and the others on their own, worse that a Panuncian followed Neon and Zombina]

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