Cough It Up [Season 2 Finale]

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[The episode starts with Razzor the robot which Neon fought back in "Have I Got a Deal for You?" threatening a fishseller]

Razzor:You think this is fresh!?

Fishseller:S-sorry sir, today wasn't there best day for fishing.

[The fishseller gulped as Razzor pulled out his laser blade only to get kicked in the head]

Razzor:Ugh! Who dares to kick me!?

???:Me box of screws!

[It was Neon which was an alien which has a very harpy-like appearance.

She had her arms and wrists covered in brown feathers and her hands were covered in yellow scales with sharp blaw claws. She had long and strong legs which were covered in the same yellow scales with black talons. Her hair was brown and messy with a long white-brown colored lazy strand of hair covering the spaces between her eyes. She had black slit pupils and yellow lipstick. She was wearing a black and green dobok uniform]

Kickin Hawk:Now back off before I completely crush your tin head.

Razzor:Fine! But there's always a next time!

[He fled while Kicking Hawk sighed when zombina approached him]

Zombina:Care to explain why are bounty hunters all over the city?

Kickin Hawk:Hold on, Razzor isn't the only one?

Zombina:Of course not, there's the robot crab guy, the Lamias sisters...

[Kickin Hawk timed out and Neon pulled out a pair of socks from his hoodie's pocket]

Neon:I just wanted to buy new socks.

Zombina:Can't you just bought them online?

Neon:Eh, I get to exercise and you know it'll take a long time to be delivered.

[Meanwhile at a bar, Razzor entered, there were a lot of Bounty hunters, including Kraab, SixSix alongside two other Sotoraggians]

Razzor:Kraab...And the NumberNumber family.

SixSix:- _--//-_-!

Razzor:Not my fault you never told us your surname.

Lord Decibel:Attention!

Kraab:If it isn't our host, Lord Decibel.

Lord Decibel:Pissciss Premann...Everyone I bear bad news.

Razzor:Skye defeated you once more?

Lord Decibel:No! The object that were after got stolen!

[Every bounty hunter gasped and growled, Lord Decibel silenced them]

Razzor:Who stole it!?

[Lord Decibel pulls out a black sharp feather quill out which confused everyone]


Lord Decibel:I may have an idea on the identity of our thief.

[Meanwhile a black feathered and haired harpy was holding what the Bounty Hunters were after...A small grey and orange cube, she smirked]

???:Easiest thievery so far~Pump-a-rum~

[Papi which was in area overheard her and managed to sneak on her]

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