Special Delivery

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[The episode starts with a pretty big shadow ringing at Kimihito's front door, Neon opened just to see a bulky humanoid out of vegetables]

Neon:Ummm... How can I help you sir?

Vegetable:Where is she!?


[Cerea heard the commotion, but when the vegetable guy saw her, it feels like he was a bull who saw red]



Vegetable:You ate my father!

Cerea:Ummm, was your father a carrot?

Vegetor:Yes! I'm Vegetor, general of the Vegetus Army!

Cerea:Well In my defense he was a tasty one.

[Vegetor immediately threw a mace made out of vegetal substances at Cerea, but he missed]

Cerea:That actually looks tasty.

Neon:Cerea! Focus, he tries to murder you in cold vegatable blood!

Cerea:Does he even have blood?

Neon:It doesn't matter!

[Neon pressed the Omnitrix quickly.

He turns into a humanoid which skin is dark blue and his hands are bound in a lock which rests on his chest area. He appears to wear a black cuirass with green accents. Around his neck he has a neck cuff with the same lock. He wears black shorts and black boots and what appears to be cloth flaps on his waist which are black with green vertical lines going straight through the middle. He appears to have black hair in a bowl haircut. The Omnitrix is located on his stomach. 8 swords are orbiting him, the swords look like medieval swords, with a dark blue hilt with a grey rectangle shape with the lock near the blade]

Cerea:What is that?!


[His voice was eerie high-pitched with an echo effect]

Cerea:Why you never use him before!?

Swordcaster:I just recently unlocked him, alright!?

[Vegetor charged at Swordcaster, the latter automatically started to throw his swords at the vegetable being, the swords lodged into his body caused a goldish liquid to spurt out]

Swordcaster:Ewww, gross!

[Vegetor took them out without a flinch of pain and threw them at neighbour's car, causing the car's alarm to went off]

Swordcaster:Uh oh, ok we're going to try to explain to the neighbour after we deal with him...

Vegetor:Thunder...Thunder...ThunderVegetor! HO!

Swordcaster:Is that a reference to something, because it sounds familiar.

[The only answer he got was a smack of the mace to the face, causing him to get smashed into the same car, denting the door hard]

Swordcaster:Owww, it can't get any wors-Uh oh!

[The swords pointed at Swordcaster, preparing to impale him, but Neon luckily timed out and managed to dodge the swords only for them to impale the car]

Neon:That car hopefully saw better days, because if not, oh boy...

[Suddenly Vegetor crashed into the car and got unconscious from one of Cerea's kicks, that caused the car's alarm to become louder]

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