Of Predator & Prey Part 2 [Season 1 Finale]

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[The girls were hanging from the ceiling of Abyss' ship, while Abyss was sharpening one of his knives]

Papi:Let us go you meanie!

Miia:Yeah! Cause I'll puke if I stay upside down too long...

Abyss:I'm the ultimate predator and you're the ultimate prey.

[He went over to them and ripped with his knife a bit of Miia's shirt]

Miia:Hey that shirt was new!

Rachnera:Under normal circumstances I would have loved that.

Miia:Not the time to flirt!

Abyss:This piece will look nice, next to the ogre skeleton, the Arachne arachnid lower half mantlepiece and under the Dullahan scythe with the hand of the former owner still grasping it~

Miia:You're sick, you know that?

Cerea:What's that Omnitrix thing?

Abyss:Oh I see you noticed the Nemetrix, it has samples of different predatory species for Skye's aliens.... Can't wait to cut his arm with the Omnitrix on.

Cerea:Why the name?

Abyss:Nemesis, that's what I am to Skye,I commissioned it from two scientists to help me hunt prey easier.

Rachnera:Using your mutt.

Abyss:It's not a "Mutt"! It's a Buglizard.

Mero:Mutts were bred for hunting, and you use it for hunting.

Cerea:Also wouldn't Predatrix work?

Miia:Or Huntatrix?

Papi:Or Anti-!

Abyss:Enough with the stalling! Your buddy will not come to your rescue. We saw what happened in the city, the destruction of your badges, tsk, tsk, tsk. He couldn't track you here not even if he wanted to.

Rachnera:You're taunting us.

Abyss:Of course the scientists needed a test subject. We tried with a human... Let's just say we found it works with an actual animal better.

Miia:How long did it took you to collect DNA?

Abyss:Since the test drive.

Rachnera:Really a week? We faced psychos which unlike you attacked the first time we met, clearly you're a lazy pie-

Abyss:Any smart comment and I'll cut your tongue! And anyways, those psychos of yours came without a game plan. Me? I hunted down a wide arsenal of aliens to use against you and Skye.

[He turned around, his knife really close to the rope]

Abyss:As the greatest hunter in the universe.

[Miia rubbed the ropes on the knife so they could break free, and she smacked Abyss with her tail]

Miia:Didn't expect that, did you?!

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